Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 6795

s. XIII1 (between 1220 and 1240, acc. Georges).


Bologna, the same scribe copied MS Vatican, BAV, Reg. lat. 1285 (see).

Parchment, 97 f., a single hand.

Ptolemaica (single text).

Bibl. Inventarium codicum Latinorum Bibliothecae Vaticanae, VIII (handwritten catalogue by A. Ceccucci, dated 1882), 238; H. Zepeda, The Medieval Latin Transmission of the Menelaus Theorem, PhD dissertation, University of Oklahoma at Norman, 2013, 222-223; S. Georges, Glosses as a Source for the History of Science. The Case of Gerard of Cremona’s Translation of Ptolemy’s Almagest (forthcoming).


‘Quod perpendicularis cadens ex extremitate arcus super diametrum productam ex extremitate eius secunda sit sinus eius… (2ra) In capitulo secundo Almagesti, sciendum est universaliora esse preponenda… (96va) similiter capitulum istud planum est et nichil est in eo dicendum. Finite sunt notule Almagesti. Sciendum est quod in secundo libro est quidam de proportionibus — quinque graduum Piscium et medii et fecerunt sicut dictum est in notulis in libro.’

= Gerard of Cremona, Notule Almagesti (C.1.3)

. Opening, 1ra-2ra; I, 2ra-9va; II, 9va-15ra; III, 15ra-24va; IV, 24va-34vb; V, 34vb-50vb (end missing); VII, 51ra-53rb (beginning missing); VIII, 53rb-57ra; IX, 57ra-67va; X, 67va-75rb; XI, 75rb-79rb; XII, 79rb-86rb; XIII, 86rb-96va; additional notes, 96va-97vb. The section ranging from the end of Book V to the beginning of Book VII is missing due to the loss of two quires between f. 50 and 51. A few marginal notes by the scribe and by another hand.