Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. lat. 1354

s. XV2 (most of the MS appears to have been copied c. 1463-1464, cf. f. 160vb: ‘Explicit excerptum de lectura super Alkabitium finitum 1464, quo anno 27 nives notabiles ceciderunt et omnes insimiles permanserunt usque in ieiunium’; eclipse tables 1464-1479 and 1462-1481 on f. 35r; the year 1463 is the radix of the calendar f. 37r-42v and of computus tables f. 79v and 86v).


Regensburg (cf. f. 46r-53r and Schuba). Pingree states that the MS was copied in Prague in 1470 on account of a colophon f. 193vb, but this colophon is not found in the present MS.


Elector Palatine Ottheinrich (1502-1559); Heidelberg, Bibliotheca Palatina; Vatican library in 1623.

Paper, 251 f., a single hand.

Mathematics, astronomy and astrology: astronomical and astrogical notes (1r-1v); stereometry in German ‘Modus faciendi virgam visorie. Item wen du hast…’ (2ra-2rb); stereometry ‘De arte visorandi cubica. Virgam visoriam planam ad vasorum calumpniarum capacitatem…’ (2va-32ra); excerpts from Nicolaus Cusanus ‘Ex dyalogo ideote et oratoris. Sciendum quod unitas non attingitur…’ (32rb-32va); notes, tables and diagrams of computus, astronomy and astrology (32va-36v); calendar 1463-1520 (37r-42v); horologium ‘Si lineam rectam super lineam orthogonalem…’ (43r-45v); syzygy tables for the meridian of Regensburg, with canons (46r-53r); ascension tables (53v-56r); table: properties and influences of the 12 signs (56v); Hermes, Liber de quindecim stellis (57r-58v); Ptolemaica (58v-59v); John of Murs, Tabule permanentes (60ra-60vb); ‘Per septem planetas qui sub firmamento sunt nutu Dei omnia disponuntur. Saturnus est frigidissimus…’ (60vb); astronomical tables and canons (61v-119va); notes ‘Item principium proprium in arismetrica est unitas… Ex libro nono Euclidis…’ (120ra-120vb); ‘Flebothomia est universalior farmacia…’ (121ra-126rb); comm. on Alcabitius’s Introductorius ‘Ysagoge Alkabicii. Ptolomeus in prima propositione Centilogii dicit scientia stellarum ex te…’ (126va-160rb, this comm. differs from John of Stendal’s); Arnold of Villanova, Introductorium ad iudicia astrologie quantum pertinet ad medicinam (160va-166ra); ‘De altitudine planetarum. Autoritate Alfragani differentia 21 necnon Ptolomei…’ (166va-167ra); Leopold of Austria, De astrorum scientia (169ra-233rb); ‘Si partem vis scire fortune que valde necessaria…’ (233va); Nicole Oresme, De proportionibus proportionum (233vb-237rb); Messahallah, Liber interpretationum (237va-238rb); Astronomia Ypocratis (238va-241rb); Henricus Selder, Tractatus de tempore dominice annunciationis, nativitatis et passionis, excerpts (241va-243va); Picatrix, excerpts (243va-246rb); ‘In firmamento celi sunt Sol et Luna et dividunt diem et noctem…’ (246va-250v); ‘Circa propositionem sextam virge visorie…’ (251v). Blank: 61r, 167v-168v, 251r.

Bibl. Inventarium manuscriptorum Latinorum Bibliothecae Palatinae (handwritten catalogue), 484; L. Thorndike, ‘Some Little Known Astronomical and Mathematical Manuscripts’, Osiris 8 (1948), 41-72: 43-44; L. Thorndike, ‘Notes upon Some Medieval Latin Astronomical, Astrological and Mathematical Manuscripts at the Vatican, Part II’, Isis 49 (1958), 34-49: 45-47; D. Pingree, Picatrix. The Latin Version of the Ghāyat Al-Ḥakīm, London, 1986, xlvi; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, VI, London-Leiden, 1992, 360; L. Schuba, Die Quadriviums-Handschriften der Codices Palatini Latini in der Vatikanischen Bibliothek, Wiesbaden, 1992, 27-33; R. Kremer, ‘Cracking the Tabulae permanentes of John of Murs and Firmin of Beauval with Exploratory Data Analysis’, in Editing and Analysing Numerical Tables. Towards a Digital Information System for the History of Astral Sciences, eds. M. Husson, C. Montelle, B. van Dalen, Turnhout, 2021, 363-422: 412-413; C. P. E. Nothaft, A Fourteenth-Century Chronologer and Critic of Astrology. Heinrich Selder’s Treatise on the Time of the Lord’s Annunciation, Nativity, and Passion, Oxford, 2022, 7-9.


‘Liber de imaginibus. Dixit Ptolomeus: Edidi hunc librum de imaginibus super facies signorum — si dicitur eidem musce moriamini, mors contingit.’

= Pseudo-Ptolemy, De imaginibus super facies signorum (B.14)

. The text opens with the closing paragraph, omits the introduction and breaks off in the sign of Aquarius. No glosses.