Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, D. 142 inf.

s. XVI2 (three sets of lectures are dated to 1558 for f. 83-120, cf. f. 85v; 1571 for f. 171-212, cf. f. 171r; and 1562 for f. 384-397, cf. f. 385r).


University of Pavia.


Paper, 493 f., several hands, one of which copied f. 355-383.

Collection of university lectures on Aristotle’s works (Physica, De generatione et corruptione, Historia animalium, Ethica ad Nicomachum, De caelo etc.), several of which given by Cesare Rovida (1556-1591), professor of medicine at the University of Pavia. F. 355-383, copied in a single hand, contain astrological material, including Ptolemaica (355r-363v), followed by a blank folio (364) and two sections in Italian: ‘Perche il calcol e computo delle positure celesti cosi nelle natività de gli huomini…’ (365r-378r; f. 378v-380v are blank) and ‘ὁμοίως δὲ ἐπειδὴ ποιούντων τῶν χρόνων τὰ ἐκφανέστατα διαστήματα’ [Tetrabiblos, I.7]. Similiter cum evidentia temporum discrimina dies et nox efficiat. Volendo investigare Tolomeo la virtu e faculta delle stelle…’ (381r-383v).

Bibl. P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, I, London-Leiden, 1977, 283.


‘Interpretaturi quadripartitam constitutionem Claudi (!) Ptolomei, in qua tradit precepta iudiciorum exercendorum (?) antequam verborum interpretationem aggrediamur, prius nosce oportet novem problemata. Primum, qui nam sit hic Claudus (!) Ptolomeus qui hos libros conscripsit… (358r) Secunda lectio [title in margin]. Ex novem problematibus propositis, duo determinavimus… (360r) Tertia lectio. Di commissione del duca incomincio (?) leggere volgare [in margin]. Poi che noi havemo determinato — al nostro vertice produce maggior calore.’