Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 10745

s. XV2 (c. 1461 acc. Zinner) for Regiomontanus’s sections; the rest of the MS was copied in the first half of the 16th c.


most of the MS is Regiomontanus’s autograph and the rest was added by Johannes Schöner and by a third hand.


Johannes Schöner; Philipp Eduard Fugger (1546-1618).

Paper, 58 f., three hands: I [Regiomontanus], f. 1-31 and 37-45; II [Johannes Schöner], f. 32-36, 46bisr-46bisv and 50v-56r; III, f. 49r-50r.

Regiomontanus’s astrological anthology, made of his own summaries and paraphrases of the following texts: Messahallah, Liber receptionis (1r-3r); Aomar, De nativitatibus (3v-8v); Haly Abenragel, De iudiciis astrorum (8v-31v); Pseudo-John of Seville, Epitome totius astrologie (32r-36r); Zael, Introductorium (37r-37v); Antonius de Monte Ulmi, De iudiciis nativitatum (37v-39v); Antonius de Monte Ulmi, De revolutionibus annorum mundi, excerpts (39v-43r); Astronomia Ypocratis (43r, five lines only); Thebit Bencora, De imaginibus (43r); Hermes/Belenus, Liber imaginum Lunae (43r-43v); list of eight or nine books of astral magic ‘Item est libellus quidam de imaginibus secundum facies signorum ascendentes qui inscribitur Ptolemeo et vocatur opusculum Ptolemei [=Pseudo-Ptolemy, De imaginibus super facies signorum]. In eodem docentur imagines in hora prima cuiuslibet diei. Item imagines planetarum. Item libellus sigillorum Beel quem fecerunt filii Israel in deserto…’ (43r-43v); Ptolemaica (43v-45r); Alcabitius, Introductorius (45r-45v). The rest of the MS, mainly copied by Schöner, contains astrological notes (46bisr-46bisv); astrological notes with horoscopes (49r-50r); ‘Aomar. De revolutione anni mundi. Iudicare revolutionem anni non presumas nisi introductoria ad astrorum iuditia noveris…’ (50v-55v); astrological table 1500-1547, with note above the table ‘Excerpta (?) Jo<hannis> de Monte Regio’ (55v); ‘Io<hannes> de Monte Regio. Secundum Aomar coniunctio…’, with mention of the year 1454 (56r, twelve lines only). Blank: 36v, 46, 47-48, 56v-58v. Pseudo-John of Seville’s Epitome totius astrologie (f. 32r-36r) is not in Regiomontanus’s hand, but the summary/paraphrase of this text is in the same vein as the neighbouring sections, which makes it likely that the author is also Regiomontanus (this section was copied by Schöner perhaps because the original was damaged or somehow not presentable). The whole MS might in fact derive from Regiomontanus, as suggested by the last two sections (f. 55v and 56r), explicitly attributed to him.

Bibl. Tabulae codicum manu scriptorum praeter Graecos et Orientales in Bibliotheca Palatina Vindobonensi asservatorum, VI: Cod. 9001-11500, Wien, 1873, 235; M. Franz, ‘Die Handschriften aus dem Besitz des Philipp Eduard Fugger mit Berücksichtigung der Handschriften des Johannes Schöner in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek’, Codices Manuscripti 14 (1988), 61-133: 95; E. Zinner, Regiomontanus: His Life and Work, Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo, 1990 (tr. from Leben und Wirken des Joh. Müller von Königsberg, genannt Regiomontanus, Osnabrück, 1968, with supplements), 49, 207 (no. 40) and 254; M. Maruska, ‘Die Handschriften aus der Bibliothek des fränkischen Gelehrten Johannes Schöner in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek’, in Aspekte der Bildungs- und Universitätsgeschichte. 16. bis 19. Jahrhundert, eds K. Mühlberger, T. Maisel, Wien, 1993, 409-435: 428; M. Maruska, Johannes Schöner – ‘Homo est nescio qualis’. Leben und Werk eines fränkischen Wissenschafters an der Wende vom 15. zum 16. Jahrundert, PhD dissertation, Universität Wien, 2008, 110.


‘Ex Centiloquio Ptolemei. 1. Hali duplum exponit hoc verbum. Ex te et tuo experimento et illis, scilicet scriptis maiorum, aliter ex te scilicet — mors regis Egipti, hostes ingressi sunt Egiptum.’

= Johannes Regiomontanus, Ex Centiloquio Ptolemei (C.3.12)

. No glosses, but a couple of short marginal notes by Regiomontanus f. 44v.