Kolkata, National Library of India, Buhar Arabic 353
undated, c. 19th c. (Hidāyat Ḥusain).
Or.:unknown; unknown scribe.
Prov.:an oval seal of the Jalāliyya Library in Bohar in West Bengal, dated 1306/1888-9 (1r, 18v). Two different stamps of the Imperial Library (1r, 10v, 19r), one dated 22 December 〈19〉04 (1r).
Cod.: paper, 19 ff. (foliated with Hindu-Arabic numerals in pen; catchwords). A black naskh hand; almost fully dotted ductus with rare vowels. Red ink not discernible on the scans available to us. Pseudo-Ptolemy’s verba numbered in abjad notation. Dimensions: c. 20½×13½ cm, written area: c. 12½×7 cm; 10 lines per page. Codex apparently in good condition; some stains affecting the readability on f. 1v.
Cont.: astrology. —
Bibl.: M. Hidāyat Ḥusain, Catalogue raisonné of the Būhār Library, Vol. II: Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in the Būhār Library, Calcutta: Imperial Library, 1923, p. 387 (no. 353).
\1v\ كتاب الثمرة لبطلميوس الحكيم تمام الكتب الأربعة التي ألّفها في الأحكام لسورس تلميذه. قال بطلميوس قد قدّمنا لك يا سورس كتبًا فيما يؤثّره الكواكب في عالم التركيب — \19r\ وإن لم يكن سائرًا فإنّ الخارجيّ من حضرة ذلك الإقليم. = Pseudo-Ptolemy, Kitāb al-Thamara (B.1.1)
, version with 102 verba. — |