Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, O.III.31

s. XVex.


perhaps the University of Cracow (see f. 5r).


Remigius Faesch, 1595-1667 (f. 5r).

Paper, 59 f., a single hand (except for additions f. 57r-58r).

Astrology: treatise on nativities ‘Liber continens canonem magistri Alberti de Pruzaff [Brudzewo] super nativitates et iudicia…’ (5r-18v), including Ptolemaica (5r-5v); ‘Capitulum primum in verificanda figura celi omnium geniturarum. Nunc ad secreciora et nobiliora huius…’ (23r-56v); tables of essential dignities and degrees, added by another hand (57r-58r). Blank: 1-4 (except note f. 4r: ‘De nativitatibus’, perhaps by the scribe), 19-22, 58v-59v.

Bibl. L. A. Birkenmajer, Stromata Copernicana. Studia, poszukiwania i materjały biograficzne, Kraków, 1924, 100-101; M. Markowski, Astronomica et astrologica Cracoviensia ante annum 1550, Firenze, 1990, 287.


‘Liber continens canonem magistri Alberti de Pruzaff super nativitates et iudicia, coll<e>ctium (!) in universitate Cracoviensi. Primus de rectificatione etc. Circulum pro exitu geniture ab utero iuxta verbum Pto<lomei> 51 rectificare. Sit Tempus datum cuiuspiam geniture — in tabula a tempore sequente.’