Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Cracow, Biblioteka Jagiellońska, 593

s. XV1 (in or before 1444 for the core of the MS, with additions from the second half of the 15th c. on f. 66v-71).


University of Prague; the MS is glossed by Johannes Andree Schindel, who attended Johannes Borotin’s lectures on Ptolemy’s Quadripartitum in Prague in 1444, evidently with this MS in front of him (cf. f. 73r: ‘1444 die Martis in die Felicis in Pincis, magister Joh<annes> Borot<in> incepit legere’ and f. 145v (bottom): ‘Anno domini 1444 currente 10 die Decembris, die Iovis, magister Ioh<annes> Bor<otin> finivit dominum Ptolomeum’; the same glossator also included horoscopes for 1444 on f. 88r, 88v, 99v, 124v and 134r, and mentions the year 1444 on f. 118v, as well as Prague and Bohemia, e.g. on f. 84v: ‘Ante annos 30 Prage et per Bohemiam multe sunt vise mulieres…’); the same Borotin had attended Schindel’s lectures on the Almagest some 30 years earlier (cf. MS Prague, APH, O. I (1585)).


the MS was donated to the University of Cracow in 1489 by Blasius de Casimiria, student in Cracow from 1452 onwards (f. 1r: ‘Magister Blasius de Kazimirz, sacre theologie baccalarius, hunc librum dedit pro Universitate Cracoviensi ac incremento studii eiusdem. Oretur pro eo. Hoc fecit anno domini 1489’).

Paper, 147 f., a single hand for f. 1r-66v, 73r-145v and 147r-147v, with later additions f. 66v-68v, 71v and 146v (originally blank) by at least two hands. Reserved initials.

Astrology mainly: Ptolemaica (1r-66v and 73r-145v); Aristotle, De sensu et sensato, fragment (147r-147v). The added texts include Hermes, Liber de accidentibus (66v-67r); ‘Stelle in zodiaco fortioris sunt operis et manifestioris qua mille extra zodiacum — Et propter hoc Ptolomeus ordinavit figuras septentrionales antequam meridionales’ (67r); ‘Prima domus vite sed dicitur (?) altera census…’ (67r); incomplete circular diagram showing the 12 signs, planets and a few geographical names, with note on aspects ‘Aspectus est certa distancia planetarum in certis locis zodiaci…’ (67v); notes on the great conjunctions for 1462-1473 ‘Coniunctio maxima secundum Albumasar fit in 960 annis…’ (68ra-68rb); ‘De nominibus XII signorum sic dicunt: Aries, Thaurus…’ (68rb-68va); notes ‘De revolutionibus annorum mundi. Si aliquis (?) fuerit fixum, figura sufficit ad totum annum…’ (71v); table of essential dignities (146v). Blank: 68vb-71r, 72, 146r.

Bibl. W. Wisłocki, Katalog rękopisόw Biblijoteki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, I, Krakόw, 1877, 187-188; G. Rosińska, Scientific Writings and Astronomical Tables in Cracow. A Census of Manuscript Sources (xivth-xvith Centuries), Wrocław-Warszawa, 1984, 553 (index); M. Kowalczyk et al., Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum medii aevi latinorum qui in Bibliotheca Jagellonica Cracoviae asservantur, IV: Numeros continens inde a 564 usque ad 667, Wrocław, 1988, 144-148.

1r–⁠66v, 73r–⁠145v

‘Capitulum primum in collatione intellectus scientie iudiciorum astrorum [title in the margin]. <R>es, o Misori, quibus perficiuntur prenosticationes accepte de astronomia maiores et nobiliores sunt due. <U>na quarum est que debet in ordinatione et virtute preponi et est hec ars qua duorum luminarium et quinque planetarum figure sciuntur secundum motum suum hec quia per eam scit homo figuras stellarum secundum motus — Et postquam in modo universali perfecimus iudicium nativitatum finem in hoc loco huic libro imponere conveniens extimamus. Et est finis Quadripartiti Pto<lom>ei.’

= Haly Abenrudian, Glosa super Quadripartito Tholomei (C.2.2)

, without the translator’s preface and without Haly’s preface and commentary. I, 1r-25v; II, 25v-66v; III, 73r-118r; IV, 118v-145v. Substantial glosses by at least two hands, often quoting ‘Hali’ or ‘Haly’ and other authors. The second glossator writes ‘Stelle verificate ad annum domini 1468 (?)’ (f. 60v) and ‘Stelle fixe verificate anno domini 1463’ (f. 61v).