Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Budapest, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, lat. 59

s. XIV1 (the years 1339 and 1340 are given in two computistical figures f. 24v).


Germany (‘Maria hilf uns’, f. 39r, hand of the scribe; added sections in German f. 30r-32v and 40v).


the texts on f. 40r-44r are 15th-c. additions ‘per manus fratris Georii Pictenburg (?)’, see f. 43v.

Parchment, 44 f., a single neat hand (except added sections f. 30r-32v and 40r-44r).

Theology, astrology and divination: ‘Incipit brevis tractatus de creatione mundi et angelorum et aliis multis bonis. Primo de trinitate. De trinitate Dei hoc tenendum…’ (1r-18r); lunarium ‘Luna prima: Hec dies omnibus agendis valet…’ (18v-19v); Ptolemaica (19v-20v); table: planetary hours (20v); Revelatio Esdrae ‘Hec sunt signa Esdre prophete que dedit populo Dei. Die dominoco si fuerint kalende Ianuarii, hiemen calida prestabunt…’ (21r); ‘Pronosticatio verisima. Nil capiti facies Aries cum Luna refulget…’ (21r-21v); ‘Utrum per scientiam astrorum possit aliquis pronosticari de futuris vel occultis. Huic questioni et pluribus aliis respondit magister Rubertus Putanus scribens domino Guidoni decano Aurelianensi…’ (21v-30r); added sections in German, including verses (30r-32r) and the calculus of the victorious and the vanquished (32r-32v); end of a text of theology ‘… nos concives ubi gaudebimus sine fine’ (33r-39r); added sections: Somniale Danielis (40r-43v) and lunarium ‘Luna I quicumque sompniaverit ad gaudium perveniet…’ (43v-44r). Blank: 39v, 44v.

Note The text f. 21v-30r is an astrological compilation citing several authorities, including Ptolemy: ‘(26v) Quod sint comete. Sentencia Aristotelis est in libro Metheorum quod sunt 5, Ptolomei autem sententia (?) in Centilogio est quod sint 9…; (27r) Quod significent cometes et quare mortes magnorum et bella futura significare dicuntur. Ptolomeus in Centilogio dicit: Sic stelle cum caudis sunt 9…; (27v) Sapiens etiam dominatur astris sicut vult Ptolomeus in Centilogio…’.

Bibl. Catalogus Bibliothecae Musei Nationalis Hungarici, XII: E. Bartoniek, Codices Latini Medii Aevi, Budapest, 1940, 51-52.


‘Canon Ptolomei et Pictagore de diversis eventibus secundum naturas planetarum. Inventum Ptolomei et Pictagore secundum naturas planetarum subtilissima doctrina conpilatum — Sex et sex maior vincet. Sex et septem habens 7 vincet.’