Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ott. lat. 1850

s. XIII2 (f. 8-64, Moerbeke’s translations are dated February to 31 December 1269, cf. f. 16vb, 22va, 33vb, 44vb, 52vb, 55rb, 60ra and 61vb, so that the Ptolemaic section was certainly translated and copied in early 1270). Or.: f. 8-64 were copied by William of Moerbeke in Viterbo.


f. 8-64 were copied by William of Moerbeke in Viterbo.


Pietro Barozzi, bishop of Padua (see Clagett); Andreas Coner in 1508 (cf. f. 7bisr: ‘1508 Venetiis, Andreae Coneri Germani’); Marcello Cervini (future pope Marcellus II) in 1527; Gugliemo Sirleto (d. 1585); Giovanni Angelo, Duke of Altemps (d. 1620) (cf. f. Ir: ‘Ex codicibus Ioannis Angeli ducis ab Altaemps’).

Parchment, I+75 f., composite MS made of three parts, the second of which (f. 8-64) is in a single hand, that of William of Moerbeke.

Scientific texts (f. 8-64): Alhazen, De speculis comburentibus (8ra-9vb); De ponderibus Archimenidis (10ra-11rb); Archimedes’s scientific works in William of Moerbeke’s translation (11va-60ra); Heron of Alexandria, Catoptrica, attr. Ptolemy: ‘Claudii Ptolemei de speculis… Explicit liber Ptolomei de speculis’ (60rb-61vb); Ptolemaica (62ra-64vb). This part is preceded by an added folio with a table of contents by Andreas Coner (7bisv). The first part of the MS contains a book published in Florence in 1494 (1r-7v). The third part of the MS contains Johannes Peckham, Perspectiva communis, incomplete, 14th-c. hand (65r-75r).

Bibl. Inventarii codicum manuscriptorum Latinorum Bibliothecae Vaticanae Ottobonianae (handwritten catalogue), II, 96r-96v; J. F. Daly, C. J. Ermatinger, ‘Mathematics in the Codices Ottobiani latini’, Manuscripta 9 (1965), 12-29: 15-17; M. Clagett, Archimedes in the Middles Ages, II, Philadelphia, 1976, 60-68; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, II, London-Leiden, 1977, 433; I codici latini datati della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, I: J. Ruysschaert, A. Marucchi, Nei fondi archivio S. Pietro, Barberini, Boncompagni, Borghese, Borgia, Capponi, Chici, Ferrajoli, Ottoboni, Città del Vaticano, 1997, 175-176 (no. 398).


‘Claudii Ptolemei liber de Analemmate incipit. Considerati mihi, o Syre, angulorum acceptorum in locum gnomonicum quod rationale et quod non, habitum quidem virorum illorum in lineis accidit admirari etiam in hiis et valde acceptare — horarii autem ad eum qui secundum verticem, descensivi autem ad orizontem. Habent autem et canones ita’ (followed by the table ‘Cancri principium horarum 13’).

= Ptolemy, Liber de Analemmate (tr. William of Moerbeke) (A.5.1)

. A few short marginal notes, including Greek words, by the scribe.