Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

_ (the underscore) is the placeholder for exactly one character.
% (the percent sign) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character.
%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

At the beginning and at the end, these placeholders are superfluous.

Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 2386

s. XIV.


Philipp Eduard Fugger (1546-1618)

Parchment, 8 f., a single hand.

Astronomy: Pseudo-Messahallah, De compositione astrolabii (1ra-6va); Ptolemaica (6va-7rb); Thebit Bencora, De recta imaginatione spere et circulorum eius diversorum (7rb-7vb); Thebit Bencora (?), De quantitate stellarum et planetarum et proportione terre (7vb-8ra); Pseudo-Thebit Bencora, De motu octave spere (8rb-8vb).

Bibl. Tabulae codicum manu scriptorum praeter Graecos et Orientales in Bibliotheca Palatina Vindobonensi asservatorum, II: Cod. 2001-3500, Wien, 1868, 66; M. Franz, ‘Die Handschriften aus dem Besitz des Philipp Eduard Fugger mit Berücksichtigung der Handschriften des Johannes Schöner in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek’, Codices Manuscripti 14 (1988), 61-133: 73.


‘Thebit de hiis que indigent expositione atequam legatur Almagesti. <E>quator est circulus maior qui describitur super 2 polos mundi — propinqui oppositioni Solis erunt retrogradi.’

= Thebit Bencora, De hiis que indigent expositione antequam legatur Almagesti (C.1.1)

. Two corrections by the scribe or a similar hand f. 6va.