Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. lat. 1401

s. XIV1 (for f. 27-113, cf. astronomical table 1308-1330 f. 38r, astronomical table 1300-1312 f. 46r, years 1300 and 1304-1316 mentioned f. 47v, 94v and 109v-112v, horoscope for 1338 f. 63r; f. 2-19 date from the 15th c. and f. 20-26 from c. 1200).


Germany, perhaps Magdeburg (for f. 27-113, cf. f. 63r and 111r; Magdeburg is also mentioned in the table of geographical coordinates of cities f. 46r).


Matthias of Kemnat, who annotated the MS and added a table of contents on f. 1r; Heidelberg, Bibliotheca Palatina; Vatican library in 1623.

Parchment, 113 f. Composite MS made of three parts: I, f. 2-19 (a single hand); II, f. 20-26 (a single hand); III, f. 27-113 (several hands).

Astrology and astronomy (f. 27-113): planetary tables (27v-35v, including Henry Bate’s Tables of Mechelen f. 27v-31v), with canons ‘Ad habendum locum Solis augem…’ (35v); astrological tables: degrees (36r); note ‘Regiones australes ubi Sol transit cenit tenet homines calides…’ (36r); astronomical tables (37r-38v); magical recipes and astrological notes (39r); Thebit Bencora, Liber prestigiorum (39v-41v); astronomical tables (42r-46r); onomancy ‘Sume nomen hominis et matris simulque computa numerum nominis et divide per 28…’ (46r); ‘Si eclipsim Solis laboriosam scire desiderat…’ (46v-47r); astronomical tables (47v-52v); Albumasar, Flores de electionibus (53r-58r); Sem filius Haym, Capitulum in narratione Saturni quid accidat in mundo (58r-59r); ‘Electiones quando Luna fuerit in signis sine aspectibus. Aries: Dies bona, bonum balneari…’ (59r); computus table 1273-1653 with note (59v); Messahallah, De mercibus (60r-63r); revolution horoscope for 1339 for Magdeburg, with note (63r); Haly Embrani, De electionibus horarum (64r-78v); Pseudo-John of Seville, Epitome totius astrologie, Book IV (78v-80r); onomancy ‘Numerum nominis hominis divide per 9 et si unum remanet Sol est planeta eius…’ (80r); note ‘Dixit Alb<umasar>: Scire cogitationem hominis…’ (80v); Roger of Hereford, Liber de tribus generalibus iudiciis astronomie (80v-84r); ‘Aures perficiatur. Computa a gradu septimi usque ad gradum orientis et proice a gradu medii celi…’ (84r-84v); Ptolemaica (84v-94v); Astronomia Ypocratis (95r-98r); Guillelmus Anglicus, De urina non visa, c. 3-9 (98r-100v); Messahallah, Epistola de rebus eclipsium (100v-102v); Alkindi (?), Saturnus in Ariete sub radiis…, attr. Haly (102v-103v); ‘Quando Luna comburitur, vide si Luna prospicit Saturnum…’ (103v); Thebit Bencora, De imaginibus (103v-106r); Ptolemaica (106r-108v); Hermes, De imaginibus et horis (108v-109r); six horoscopes related to the revolution of 1311 (109v); ‘Ad inveniendum diem conceptionis. Si per horam nativitatis et diem conceptionis eius…’ (110r); 17 horoscopes for various dates between 808 and 1307 with historical notes (110v-112r), including one for the ‘Inicium regni Boemie’ on 14 March 1086 (110v), one for the revolution of 1134 ‘quando Marchia transivit ad Teuotonicos’ (110v) and one for the first archbishopric of Magdeburg in 968 (111r); chronological and historical notes ranging from 1218 to 1316 (112v); ‘Anno domini 1460 reperi in quodam libro subscriptas civitates sub duodecim signis. Aries: Florentia, Francia, Capoa…’, added by Matthias of Kemnat (113r). The other parts of the MS include a table of contents of the whole MS (three parts) by Matthias of Kemnat (1r); an astronomical calendar for 1425 with computus diagrams and tables (2r-15r); Bede, De natura rerum, c. 1-22 (20v-26r). Blank: 1v, 15v-20r, 26v-27r, 36v, 63v, 113v (except for the names of the 12 signs).

Bibl. Inventarium manuscriptorum Latinorum Bibliothecae Palatinae (handwritten catalogue), 497-498; C. Burnett, ‘Catalogue. The Writings of Adelard of Bath and Closely Associated Works, Together with the Manuscripts in which they Occur’, in Adelard of Bath. An English Scientist and Arabist of the Early Twelfth Century, ed. C. Burnett, London, 1987, 163-196: 192 (no. 123); L. Schuba, Die Quadriviums-Handschriften der Codices Palatini Latini in der Vatikanischen Bibliothek, Wiesbaden, 1992, 171-176; R. Lemay, Le Kitāb aṯ-Ṯamara (Liber fructus, Centiloquium) d’Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf [Ps.-Ptolémée], 1999 [unpublished], I, 424; G. Bohak, C. Burnett, Thābit ibn Qurra On Talismans and Ps.-Ptolemy On Images 1-9, Together with the Liber prestigiorum Thebidis of Adelard of Bath, Firenze, 2021, 91-92.


‘Rememoratio centum verborum Tolomei. Scientia stellarum ex te et ex illis est: Ex te quidem per vim anime intellectivam quando separatur anima ab affectu rerum exteriorum sicut heremite et epilemtici — ex aliqua civitate illius climatis. Quandoque apparet cometa ad modum stelle — in regibus et divitibus aparebit. Explicit memoriale Benđđ. (?) de verbis Ph<tolome>i.’

= Memoriale Bendd. (?) de verbis Phtolomei (C.3.6)

. A few marginal corrections by the scribe.


‘De ymaginibus [title added in the margin by Matthias of Kemnat]. Dixit Abuzabez Benfeliz: Quia omnes orientalles operabantur per has ymagines — et impetrabis ex eo quod animus tuus desiderat.’

= Pseudo-Ptolemy, De imaginibus super facies signorum (B.14)

. A couple of marginal notes and paragraph numbers added by Matthias of Kemnat.