Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Cracow, Biblioteka Jagiellońska, 1846

s. XVIin (partly copied in 1511, cf. tables pp. 253-272 and colophon p. 282, this date probably applies at least to pp. 272-334, copied in the same hand; there are no reasons to date parts of this MS to 1482, as Wisłocki and Markowski do).


University of Cracow, partly copied by Jacob of Sierpc, cf. p. 282: ‘Et finis in domo maioris Collegii artistarum anno domini 1511, die Veneris, hora XX Novembris per me Iacobum baccalarium de Syeprcz…’ and p. 330: ‘per manus Iacobi de Syeprcz de Mesopotamia scriptus canon iste, finitus in octava Assumptionis Marie…’.


Jacob of Sierpc (cf. p. 2: ‘Iste liber est magistri Iacobi de Szyeprcz’), who annotated the MS until at least 1523 (cf. p. 201).

Paper, 352 pp., at least three hands, one of which (Jacob of Sierpc’s) copied at least pp. 272-334 (except perhaps for the tables).

Astronomy and astrology: Tabule resolute (1-148); fragments of astronomical tables (149-150); astronomical calendar 1501-1582 (153-156); Albertus de Brudzewo, Canones Tabularum resolutarum (157-196); other astronomical tables, canons and notes (197-201); Johannes de Glogovia, Canones Tabularum resolutarum ‘Pro generali in tabulas motuum planetarum…’ (203-227); table of houses (229-252); tables of houses for Cracow with canons, dated 1511: ‘Tabule duodecim domorum celi a magistro Brudzan super meridiam (!) Craco<viensem> anno domini 1511’ (253-272); other astronomical tables with notes (273-276); astrology ‘Inquit Hali Habenragel in libro suo completo parte quarta capitulo tertio…’ (277-282); astronomical tables (283-285); astrology ‘An per luminaria poterint rectificari figure geniturarum. Ptolomeus in secundo ubi tractat de dominis eclipsium…’ (286); Ptolemaica (287-288); Messahallah, Liber interpretationum, c. 6 ‘Tractatulus Dorothei in occultis pro thezauro…’ (288-289); various astronomical and astrological tables with some canons and notes (290-334); other tables and notes (339, 341-342 and 351). Blank: 151-152, 202, 228 (except added notes), 335-338, 340, 343-350, 352.

Bibl. W. Wisłocki, Katalog rękopisόw Biblijoteki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, I, Krakόw, 1877, 435; G. Rosińska, Scientific Writings and Astronomical Tables in Cracow. A Census of Manuscript Sources (xivth-xvith Centuries), Wrocław-Warszawa, 1984, 554 (index); M. Markowski, Astronomica et astrologica Cracoviensia ante annum 1550, Firenze, 1990, 301-302.


‘Circulum pro exitu geniture ab utero iuxta verbum Ptolomei 51 rectificare oportet et esus (?). Sit tempus datum geniture cuiuspiam in anno, die, horaque — figura celi constituatur et habebitur totaliter rectificata.’