Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Cracow, Biblioteka Jagiellońska, 1839

s. XVIin (f. 54v-79r, 104r-108v and 109v-152r copied in 1506; f. 156r-163v copied in 1511).


personal notebook of a student at the University of Cracow, who attended the lectures of Matthias de Krajna in 1506, namely on the Centiloquium (f. 54v-79r, cf. colophon f. 79r), on Book IV of Johannes de Glogovia’s Summa astrologie (f. 104v-108v, cf. f. 108v: ‘Sub magistro Mathia de Crayna 1506 post conductum Pasce’) and on Johannes Ganivetus’s Amicus medicorum (f. 109v-152r, cf. f. 152r: ‘Finis 1506 sub magistro Mathia de Crayna exaudibus’). The other texts accompanied by a marginal commentary are likely to derive from lectures as well.

Paper, 176 f. (new foliation in pencil, which replaces the old pagination used by Rosińska and Markowski), including smaller sheets of paper (f. 3, 11, 13-14, 18-21, 23-24, 26-27, 29, 31, 36, 38, 43, 51, 53, 55, 57, 60-62, 100, 171), one main hand (except for f. 1r, 90r-92r, 156r-163v and 165r-173v, copied by several other hands), although a second hand may have intervened in places, alternating with the main scribe (e.g., f. 76r-76v and 78r).

Astrology: ‘Circa caput quintum regule Solis doctoris Michaelis Wratisla<viensis> [Michael Falkener of Wroclaw, fl. 1494-1521]…’ (1r, added); Ptolemaica (1v-52v); ‘Duodecim domos celi in orizonte si vis invenire…’ (53r); horoscope ‘Figura nati anno 1452…’, which turns out to be the nativity of Nicolaus Czepel de Poznań, born on 6 December 1452 (53v); ‘Aspectus sunt quatuor, scilicet trinus, quartus, sextilis…’ (54r); Ptolemaica (54v-79r+54r, 79v-81va; 81v-82r; and 82va-82vb+89ra-89va); ‘Pars fortune dupliciter accepitur, uno modo secundum Ptolomeum, quem modum omnes astrologi sequuntur…’ (83r); excerpts from Zael’s Introductorium (c. 1), Capitula Almansoris (c. 106) and Hermes’s Centiloquium (c. 9 and 65) (83r); ‘Tractatus pro determinandis questionibus furti, collectus ex doctrina Hali Habenragel et Guidonis Bonati. In questionibus astrologicis licet sit diversa consideratio…’ (83v-88r); ‘Astronomia est scientia Solis et Lune necnon quinque stellarum erraticarum…’ (88v); notes ‘Sequuntur regulae additionis, quae observantur circa res astronomicas…’ (90r-92r); Johannes de Glogovia, Introductorium astronomie in ephemerides, with marginal comm. (95r-102r); Johannes de Glogovia, Summa astrologie, Book IV, with marginal comm. (104r-108v); Johannes Ganivetus, Amicus medicorum, with marginal comm. (109v-152r); Johannes de Glogovia, Introductorium astronomie in ephemerides, with marginal comm. (153v-155v); ‘Pro magistrando in die Aristotelis anno domini 1511. In nomine domini amen. Rerum, Iesure, in quibus est pronosticabilis…’ (156r-163v); prognostication for 1496 (165r-166r); Johannes Stercz, prognostication for 1467 (166v-168v); Johannes Stercz, judgement on the solar eclipse of 1463 (168v-169v); horoscope of the solar eclipse of 22 December 1489 with note ‘Die 22 Decembris ante Solis ortum, 43 minutis… ‘ (172r-172v); judgement on the nativity of Henry I the Elder, Duke of Münsterberg-Oels (172v-173v). Blank: 92v-94v, 109r, 152v-153r, 164r-164v, 171v, 174r-176v.

Bibl. W. Wisłocki, Katalog rękopisόw Biblijoteki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, I, Krakόw, 1877, 435; G. Rosińska, Scientific Writings and Astronomical Tables in Cracow. A Census of Manuscript Sources (xivth-xvith Centuries), Wrocław-Warszawa, 1984, 554 (index); M. Markowski, Astronomica et astrologica Cracoviensia ante annum 1550, Firenze, 1990, 300.


‘[comm.] Iste totalis liber Ptolomei Pheludiani dividitur in quatuor partes principales. In prima posuit regulas introductorias… (2r) [text] Res, o Mizori, quibus perficiuntur prognosticationes accepte de astronomia maiores et nobiliores — usque ad locum anteriorem secundum tempora, que transeunt per illum…’.

= 〈Commentum Cracoviense in Quadripartitum a. 1505-1507〉 (C.2.13)

. Book I, 2r-37v; III, 39r-52v (up to the middle of III.11, where the text breaks off mid-sentence at the bottom of the page). Books II and IV are entirely missing. Substantial glosses throughout, which form the body of the commentary.

54v–⁠79r (and 54r, 79v–⁠81va)

‘Incipit liber centum verborum Ptholomei cum comento Hali Rodham. Dixit Ptolomeus: Iam scripsi tibi, Iesure, libros de hoc quod operantur stelle in hoc seculo… Scientia stellarum ex te et ex illis est… Expositio Hali super verbo primo Ptolomei. Quod dixit Ptholomeus, ex te et ex illis, significat qui res futuras… (56r) Dixit Ptolomeus: Mundanorum mutatio ad hoc et ad aliud corporum supercelestium… Doctrina stellarum ex te et ex illis est. Nec est doctrina in ea ut propter hanc formam — et ego Deum precor ut te diligat quomniam perfecta est huius libri translatio decima septima die mensis Martii, 12 die mensis Gumedi anno Arabum quingentesimo tricesimo. Finis huius hora tercia 15 die Ianuarii 1506, continuatum sub egregio preceptore Mathia de Crayna.’

= Matthias de Krajna, 〈Lectiones in Centiloquium〉 (C.3.20)

. The source text, copied in the centre of the page, is Plato of Tivoli’s translation (C.3.1.1), with the proposition of v. 1 also given in the ‘Mundanorum’ version (C.3.1.3) and in Adelard of Bath’s translation (B.1.1) (=‘threefold’ version). Substantial interlinear and marginal glosses by the scribe reflecting Matthias de Krajna’s lectures, at least in part, and whose beginning occurs on the top left corner of f. 54v: ‘Dicitur etiam hic liber Liber fructuum quia sicut fructus est…’. The glosses also include a selection of verba in George of Trebizond’s translation (for which see below f. 82va-82vb and 89ra-89va) labelled ‘alia translatio’, starting with v. 2 on f. 55r: ‘Alia translatio istius secundi verbi est talis: Quando qui deliberat querit…’. Further material, definitely Ptolemaic and possibly related to Matthias de Krajna’s lectures, is found elsewhere in the MS, namely (1) a commentary on v. 25 on f. 54r (‘Circa verbum 25. Significator est locus aliquis habens significationem super aliquam proprietatem circa natum accidentem — est ille est motus primi mobilis qu… (?)’, seems incomplete); (2) a commentary on v. 51 in George of Trebizond’s translation on f. 79v (‘[text] Verbum quinquagesimum primum alterius translationis, dicit : Ubi est Luna in tempore nativitatis illud signum in conceptione… [comm.] Ubi est Luna est (?) apertus clarusque per seipsum amphorismus — domus prime positus. Hec ille’); (3) a text on rectification based on Ptolemy and other authors on f. 80r (‘De rectificatione nativitatum estimatarum apud astrologos diverse, quin ymo adverse, leguntur sententie. Quidam enim summi Ptolomei tercio Quadrupartiti sequuntur sententiam, alii autem antiqui Hermetis, alii Abrabam — angulum coniunctionis vel oppositionis ante nativitatem. Finis’, end copied at the bottom of f. 79v); (4) a complete list of the verba of the Centiloquium arranged by subject on f. 80va-81va (‘Secuntur tituli centum verborum Ptolomei, quique suam materiam continuantes et non vero ordine positi…’).


‘(82r) Declaratio precedentis figure. Quod Ptolomeus intendit primum de angulis quadrati conclusi intra circulum directum — Nam figura sedecim laterum claudit in se nedum quadratum verum et octogonium. Hec in explanatione verbi 60 Pto<lomeus> do<cuit>. Telos. In corpore quidem egroto continue fit repugnantia morbi — hec omnia <in> figura infra scripta clare patebunt’ (followed by a table and preceded, on f. 81v, by the figure ‘Circulus concludens figuram quadratam octogonam seu octo laterum et sexdecim laterum’).

82va–⁠82vb, 89ra–⁠89va

‘Iam pridem perutiles ad providendum aperationes stellarum… Scientia stellarum abs te et a scientia est, non est enim possibile ut huius scientie professor particulares rerum ideas prevideat — et ab ingressu planete in proprium locum.’

= George of Trebizond, Commentarii et expositiones in aphorismis Libri fructus Ptolomei (C.3.11)

, v. 1-81, without George of Trebizond’s preface and commentary. The scribe interrupted his copy at the end of v. 81, leaving the rest of the column and f. 89vb blank. No glosses.