Kraków, Biblioteka Jagiellonska, 629 Old shelfmarks CC I 5 Century 15 Language Latin Owner’s notes mgr. Boxicz Material Chart. Format f No. of leaves 235 Bl. + 2 Pergamentblätter + 4 leere (am Anfang und am Ende) Printed catalogs Wislocki, Wladyslaw: Katalog Rekopisów Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego. Teil.1. Rekopisy 1-1875. Kraków:1877-1881, S. 197 Source Wislocki Type of source cat. Source’s source insp. Work 1Author standard Aegidius Romanus Title (ms.) Aegidii Romani De regimine principum Incipit Ex nobili regia ac ss. prosapia oriundo dno Philippo... frater Egidius Romanus ordinis fratrum Heremitarum s. Augustini cum recommendacione se ipsum