Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 320 Old shelfmarks T. 1; T. James 282 Short title Sermones. Canones, etc. Previous owners Winchester ?. "Uberrimam collectionem sermonum seu homeliarum in dies festos, &c. Ex S. Augustino precipue." Composite ms. 2 parts Material Membr. Format 4 Height × width 9 1/10 x 6 in. Printed catalogs James, M.R., A Descriptive Catalogue of the Western Manuscripts in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge II,1 (1911) 132-7. Source Folkerts | James, Corpus Christi College II,1 (1911) Type of source cat. | pvt. notes Source’s source insp. Work 1Title (ms.) Varia, inter quae: Work 2Century 12 No. of ms. part I No. of leaves 114 Gatherings 1^8(wants 1-3) 2-7^8(+ 1 after 5) 8^8 9^8(wants 1) 10^8(wants 8) 11-5^8(8 mut.). Condition Cut at the top. Type of writing In a large clear script. Lineation 37-40 lines Work 3Century 8 (?) No. of ms. part II No. of leaves 54 Gatherings 1^8(2 replaced by a smaller blank leaf) 2-6^8 7^6. Type of writing It is in a fine bold minuscule not specially Anglian, rather Carolingian. Lineation 20 lines Initials etc. Titles in red capitals. Marginal annotations said to be "not older than cent. viii," but seems an exaggerated of its age. Work 4Title (ms.) Measures of lenght Folio no. 99