
Cambridge, University Library, Addit. 6866

Scribe(s) (arts. 2-6) <alpha> (9r-30r); <beta> 30r-48r, 56v-96r, 113r-5r; <gamma> (49r-56r, 96r-112r).
Short title Euclides, etc.
Century 13 & 14
Language Latin
Previous owners Iv blank, apart from ownership inscriptions. From the Franciscan convent of Babwell (Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk). On Iv the s. 15 inscription 'Iste liber est de comunitate fratrum minorum Babwell' ex dono fratris Willelmi Hylton pro anima fratris Iohannis Hylton magistri'. For John Hilton, Franciscan Friar (who died at Norwich, 1376), see Emden, BRVO II, 9367. Other s. 15 inscriptions are: (Iv) 'Iste est liber fratrum Willelmi Hilton' et (...) (this name erased) coniunctim et divisim'; (Iv) 'Quinque habuerit usum istius libelli oret pro anima fratris Iohannis de Hyltone'; (1r) (lower margin mostly erased) 'Frater Thomas de (...) istas correctiones / Fratri Edmundo de (...)tis'; (161r, foot of the page, mostly erased) 'Iste (...) fratris Willelmi de (?)Hadisco'. On 184r the verses 'At mihi iam quartus et quadragesimus instat / Erranti tenebris et Mundi fluctibus, Anus. Ja. Cobbesius'. Cobbes (for whom see descriptions of Add. 6860, 6864 and 6865) also foliated the manuscript and compiled the list of contents on a paper flyleaf at the beginning. No. 30 in the library of Dr Cox Macro, bearing the ticket on the spine. The book subsequently passed to the Gurney family of Badeswell Hall, Norfolk (see Add. 6860). Lot 194 in the Gurney Sale (Sotheby) 31 March 1936 when bought for the Library (Wilson-Barkworth Benefaction).
Material Membr. (69 & 76, = 8,5 and 8,12 in the collation, are paper)
No. of leaves i + 184 + ii
Numbering Numbered by James Cobbes, s. 17.
Gatherings 1 flyleaf 1^8 2-3^8 4^8(7,8 canc.) 5^4 6^12(+1 bifolium after 10) 7-9^16 10-1^8 12^8 13-4^12 15^4 16^12 17-8^12 2 flyleaves; catchwords.
Watermarks 69 & 76 with watermark of two circles and a cross, close to Briquet no. 3165, but without chain-lines.
Binding leaves At end, ii and iii are 2 bifolia, much cut down, from a s. 14 theological MS.
Condition Medieval binding of <wine ?> leather over pads made of leaves from a s. 14 MS. to 5 hands.
Type of writing Written in a variety of abbreviated hands, mostly s. 14, current and with anglicana features; art 1 is in an earlier (s. 13/14) cursive; (arts. 2-6) <alpha> (9r-30r), <beta> 30r-48r, 56v-96r, 113r-5r, anglicana; <gamma> (49r-56r, 96r-112r), text; arts 7 and 8 (i) in a s. 14 text hand; art. 11 in a s. 13 text hand.
No. of columns 1 col., (art. 11) 2 cols.
Lineation 31-61 lines (approximately, varying within quires and articles. | Most articles are frame-ruled in crayon: art 1 ruled in crayon, with writing sometimes above, sometimes below top line; astronomical tables ruled in ink, sometimes in crayon; art. 11 ruled in crayon, writing below top line.
Initials etc. Paragraph marks are generally in red, as are some headings. Capitals in the text are sometimes touched with red, which is used in most of the astronomical tables. Art. 11 has capitals alternately in red and blue, with penwork flourishing in the other colour; paragraph marks in red and blue alternately.
Printed catalogs Maschinenschr. Beschreibung Cambridge.
Publ. descriptions Thomson, R.B., Jordanus de Nemore: Opera, Medieval Studies 38 (1976) 99, 112, 140.
Source Folkerts | Masch. Beschr. Camb.
Type of source cat. | pvt. notes
Source’s source insp.
Work 1Title (ms.) Varia, inter quae:
Work 2Title (ms.) Some mathematical notes
Folio no. Ir (flyleaf)
Work 3Author standard Adelard of Bath | Campanus de Novara | Euclides | Johannes Campanus
Scribe(s) Changes of hand occur on 30r, at 49r and at 56v.
Title (ms.) Geometry (with commentary) | In Geometriam (with commentary)
Contents Book II beg. on 15v, III on 18r, IV on 23r, V on 26v, VI on 35r, VII on 38v, VIII on 43r, IX on 45r, X on 49r, XI on 65r, XII on 73r, XIII on 81v, XIV on 87r, XV on 93r.
Incipit (comm) (9r) Sciendum est autem quod praeter has conceptiones | Punctus est cuius pars non est
Printed copies Text and commentary printed by Erhard Ratdolt, Venice 1481 (Hain *6693, GKW 9428).
Additional remarks Pp. 69 & 76 are of thick paper (see collation).
Item no. 2
Folio no. 9- | 9r-94v
Rubric Incipit Euclides in geometriam.
Explicit propositum erat inscripsisse.
Colophon Expliciunt 15 libri Euclidis.
Glosses etc. The MS. has more marginal drawings than the printed text.
Blank leaves 64v, 68r-8v, 77rv.
T & K TK 1152 & 1392
Additional information For this version by Campanus, see J.E. Mudoch, The Medieval Euclid: Salient Aspects of the Translations of the Elements by Adelard of Bath and Campanus of Novara, Revue de Synthèse 89, 67-94 (73).
Work 4Author standard Campanus de Novara | Gerard of Cremona | Johannes Campanus | Theodosius
Title (ms.) De Speris (with commentary)
Contents Book II beg. on 99r, III on 101v.
Incipit (comm.) (1r) Esto ut aliqua plana superficies speram secat | Spera est figura solida ... Si aliqua plana superficies speram secet
Item no. 3
Folio no. -112 | 95r-112r
Rubric Incipit Theodosius de Speris
Explicit ante premisse per quartam.
Colophon Explicit geometria Euclidis et Theodosii cum commento Campani libri 18.
Glosses etc. Drawings in the margins as in art. 4.
Blank leaves 112v
T & K TK 1523 | TK 1523 & 515 (this copy not recorded).
Work 5Author standard Jordanus Nemorarius
Title (ms.) 13 theorems comprising the Elementa super Demonstrationem Ponderum | Elementa Super Demonstrationem Ponderum
Incipit Omnis ponderosi motum esse ad medium
Printed copies Text printed by E.A. Moody and M. Clagett, The Medieval Science of Weights (1952) 128-42.
Additional remarks Followed without a break by the next art.
Item no. 4
Folio no. 113- | 113r-4r
Explicit ut supra ostensum est.
T & K TK 1000
Additional information Listed as I-A m among the MSS. of this work on p. 99 of R.B. Thomson, Jordanus de Nemore, Opera, Medieval Studies 38 (1976) 97-144.
Work 6Title (ms.) Liber de Canonio | Liber de canonio
Incipit Si fuerit canonium simetrum
Printed copies Printed by Moody and Clagett, The Medieval Science of Weights (1952) 64-74.
Item no. 5
Folio no. -115 | 114r-5r
Explicit quod oportebat ostendere.
T & K TK 1449
Work 7Author (ms.) Gernardus
Author standard Jordanus Nemorarius
Title (ms.) Algorismus Demonstratus | De Algorismo (or De Integris) followed by De Minuciis
Contents The Algorismus Demonstratus, consisting of the treatise De Integris followed immediately (172v-84r) by the treatise De Minutiis.
Incipit (De Integris) Digitus est omnis numerus minor decem | (De minutiis) Deinceps ad minucias procedat negocium
Publ. descriptions Both works formerly attributed to Jordanus de Nemore. For discussions of the text and printed eds, see R.B. Thomson, Jordanus de Nemore: Opera, Medieval Studies 38 (1976) 97-144; this is his MS. II-E e, p. 112.
Printed copies Texts printed by G. Eneström, Bibliotheca Mathematica 3. Folge 13 (1912-13) 289-332 (De Integris), and 14 (1913-14) 99 149 (De Minutiis).
Item no. 11
Folio no. 161r-84r
Rubric Tractatus magistri Gernardi de algorismo (so the added headings)
Explicit (De Integris) (172v) dicitur de radice quadrati quod hic de radice cubi. | (De minutiis) et ideo colligenda putavi et eia finit.
Colophon (De Integris) Hactenus ergo dictum sit qualiter in integris operandum sit.
Other passages In the outer margin of 172v of the MS., against the beginning of the second treatise is added, Hic incipit de minuciis.
T & K TK 431