
Edinburgh, Royal Observatory, Cr. 1.27

Old shelfmarks; Crawford 1
Short title Jordanus de Nemore, etc.
Century 13 med.
Place of origin France
Language Latin
Owner’s notes ({in.) Leipzig, T. O. Weigel. (Iv) 77/GO.
Previous owners Richard de Fournival, Amiens (a. 1260). Gerard of Abbeville, Amiens; to Sorbonne (1271). T.O. Weigel, Leipzig; to James Lindsay, Earl of Crawford (1877); to Royal Observatory (1888).
Height × width 172 x 123
No. of leaves ii + 52 + ii
Gatherings 1-4^8 5^8 (+1) 6^10 7^1. In 1-5 the first five leaves of each quire are signed a-e in red, followed by a quire mark: the quire marks are an ad hoc series r, v, q, z, y.
Cover 18 c. binding with arms of Pius VI; "10" on a label at the foot of the spine.
Initials etc. Initials: (a) f.25 red and blue with ornament of both colours; (b) 1-2 line red or blue with ornament of the other colour; (c) 1-line red or blue.
Marginal annotations Heavy erasure at the foot of f.1
Coats of arms ({ex.) Gules, dexter chief a head of Boreas blowing on a natural lily proper on a terrace vert, a chief silver with three molets of eight points gold (= Pope Pius VI. See D. L. Galbreath, Papal Heraldry (1930) 103 & figs. 116 and 190.)
Printed catalogs Ker II (1977) 546-7
Publ. descriptions R.H. House, Revue d'histoire des textes 3 (1973) 260; M. Clagett, Osiris 12 (1956) 104-6.
Other notes Identifiable with the manuscript containing arts 1-3, 5, 7 belonging to the Richard de Fournival, chancellor of Amiens, before 1260. Given by Gerard of Abbeville, archdeacon of Amiens, to the Sorbonne in 1271 and listed in the Sorbonne catalogue of 1338 (lvi.30) as: Philotheny Jordani de Nemore continens lxiiii propositiones. Liber eiusdem Jordani de ponderibus. Subtilitas Magistri G. de Brucella ex legato predicto (G. of Abbeville). Incipit in 2º fol. triangulo in pen. una sit. Precium x sol. (Delisle, Cabinet des manuscrits II, 525 # 43; III, 68).
Source Ker (1977) | Ron B. Thomson (1973)
Type of source cat. | ts. notes
Source’s source insp.
Work 1Author standard Jordanus Nemorarius
Title (ms.) Liber phylotegni de triangulis
Incipit Continuitas est indiscrecio rer' (!) cum terminandi potencia. Cunctus fixio | Continuitas indiscretio rerum cum terminandi potencia
Printed copies M. Clagett, Archimedes in the Middle Ages IV. | M. Curtze, 1887.
Additional remarks The propositions in larger and the proofs in smaller script. Propositions numbered in red, i-lxiii.
Folio no. 1r-13v
Rubric Incipit liber phyloteig<ni> iordani de nemor<e> lxiiii proposiciones contine<ns>.
Explicit constitutum est manifestum est.
Colophon Explicit liber philotegni Iordani lxiiii proporciones continens deo gracias.
Line drawings Diagrams in the margins.
T & K TK
Work 2Author standard Jordanus Nemorarius
Title (ms.) De ratione ponderum
Incipit Omnis ponderosi motum esse ad medium
Printed copies Venice: Curtius Trejanus, 1565; E.A. Moody & M. Clagett, The Medieval Science of Weights (1952) 174-227.
Additional remarks The postulates in larger and the theorems in smaller script.
Folio no. 14r-21v
Rubric Incipit pars prima libri iordani de nemore de ratione ponderum.
Explicit trahere b.
Colophon Explicit pars quarta. et cum eo finitur liber Iordani de racione ponderis.
Additional texts A 7-line addition below the text on f. 21v "Si fuerit aliquod corpus ex duobus mixtum ... ponderis leuioris", circulated in many manuscripts.
Line drawings Diagrams in the margins.
Work 3Author standard Pseudo-Archimedes
Title (ms.) De ponderibus
Incipit Si fuerit aliquod corpus
Printed copies M. Clagett, Archimedes in the Middle Ages IV.
Additional remarks A version of proposition 4
Folio no. 21v
Work 4Title (ms.) Liber de canonio
Incipit Si fuerit canonium si in metrum (!) magnitudine | Si fuerit canonium symmetrum
Printed copies E.A. Moody & M. Clagett, The Medieval Science of Weights (1952) 64-74.
Additional remarks The propositions in larger and the proofs in smaller script.
Folio no. 22r-24r
Explicit quod oportebat ostendere.
Work 5Title (ms.) Omne pondus
Incipit Omne pondus cum quotlibet ponderibus ab eo continue sumptis
Additional remarks A separate proposition which commonly accompanies the text on f. 24r-v
Folio no. 24r
Explicit transposicio ponderum.
Work 6Title (ms.) Area trianguli
Incipit Si trianguli tria latera coaceruentur
Printed copies M. Clagett, Archimedes in the Middle Ages I, 642-7.
Folio no. 24r-v
Explicit erit area trianguli.
Glosses etc. A contemporary note in the margin, as in Vat. Reg. Lat. 1261, "hec est pars phyloteigni et debet ei subiungi'. Another note in the lower margin, "Hic sequatur de curius superficiebus. scilicet (?) cuiuslib<...>/rat in the pyramid'/et p<...>".
Work 7Author standard Franco of Liège
Title (ms.) De quadratura circuli
Incipit Quadratura circuli inter occultas rerum
Printed copies Winterberg, "Der Traktat Franco's von Luettich De quadratura circuli," Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik 4 (1882) 142-90; part in Migne, PL 143, 1373-6.
Folio no. 25-40 | 25r-41v
Dedication Ex quo mi papa presulum decus corona ... consecrari.
Explicit tue reuerencie apparere mereatur.
Colophon Explicit. Respicit hic spaciis quadratus circulus equis / Nil quicumque probes plus minus inuenies.
Work 8Title (ms.) Quadratus duplicari
Incipit Platonicam racionem quo pacto quadratus duplicari debeat edicam
Folio no. 40v-41v
Explicit qui in priore contemplari teduerit.
Work 9Author standard Eratosthenes
Title (ms.) On the diameter of the earth
Incipit Erat hostennes (!) philosophus geometraque sagacissimus
Additional remarks 13 lines
Folio no. 41v
Explicit multo plus dicat habere.
Work 10Author standard Gerardus de Bruxella
Title (ms.) De motu
Incipit Que magis recedunt a centro vel ab axe | Que magis recedunt a centro vel axe immobili
Printed copies M. Clagett, The Liber de motu of Gerard of Brussels and the Origins of Kinematics in the West, Osiris 12 (1956) 112-48 (Ker) or 73-175 (Thomson).
Additional remarks The propositions in larger and the proofs in smaller script.
Folio no. 42r-52v
Explicit neque naior neque minor.
Colophon Explicit subtilitas magistri Gerardi de bruxella de notu.