
London, British Museum, Sloane 2629

Century 17
No. of leaves 65
Printed catalogs Ayscough, S., A Catalogue of the Manuscripts preserved in the British Museum (1782) 401. Catalogus Librorum MSS. Bibliothecae Sloanianae, London (Hss.) 17.
Source Ayscough (1782) | Folkerts | Sloane-Cat.
Type of source cat. | pvt. notes
Source’s source insp.
Work 1Title (ms.) Varia, inter quae:
Work 2Author (ms.) Bacon, Roger
Author standard Roger Bacon
Title (ms.) De Utilitate Astronomiae
Printed catalogs Glorieux, P., Répertoire des maitres en théologie de Paris au XIIIe siècle 2 (1933) 63 (Roger Bacon, De utilitate mathematice)
Publ. descriptions Little, A.G., Roger Bacon's works with references to the mss. and printed editions, Roger Bacon essays, ed. A.G. Little (1914) 381 # 10.
Item no. 2
Folio no. 17-56