
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Lyell 52

Old shelfmarks Admont 612
Scribe(s) <alpha> (1-20, 42-9v); <beta> (21-34); <gamma> (35-41v); <delta> (50-72v)
Short title Mathematics and Astronomy
Century 14
Place of origin Italy
Language Latin
Subject 1 Astronomy | Mathematics
Previous owners Formerly MS. 612 in the library of Admont (paper label on front board); it is listed in the Admont catalogue of 1380: Item introductorius liber in mathematicam, incipit "Si quis"; in eodem liber ysagogarum algorismi et algorismus de integris et tabule planetarum. Sold by Admont in or after 1934 to L. and A. Brecher of Brünn; bought by Lyell in January 1941 from Davis and Orioli; see their Cat. 78 (1973) # 5.
Material Membr.
Height × width (1-20, 42-9v) 230-3 x 165; (21-34) 232 x 160; (35-41v) 233 x 165; (50-72v) 232 x 160-5
No. of leaves i + 76
Numbering modern foliation, a slightly earlier foliation goes from <36> to 110
Gatherings 1-2^8 3^4 4^8 5^6 6^8(8 canc.) 7-9^8 10^12(?)(4-5 canc.); the quires are numbered 1-10 at the beginning of the quire.
Binding leaves (i, 76) The parchment flyleaves are parts of a leaf (s. 13) from a commentary on the Decretals (Lib. V. tit. xviii cap. 3-4; tit. xix cap. 1-16).
Cover Bound in modern wooden boards with portions of the medieval boards preserved, backed with modern pale-brown goatskin. A list of contents (s. 14) inside the upper board.
No. of hands 4
Width of columns (1-20, 42-9v) ruled with a hard point, catchwords in first part, 150-3 x 88 mm.; (21-34) ruled with a hard point, 193 x 150 mm.; (35-41v) 155 x 90 mm.; (50-72v) tables 155 x 110 mm.
Lineation (1-20, 42-9v) 28 long lines; (21-34) 31 long lines; (35-41v) 32 long lines
Initials etc. Initials: (1-20, 42-9v) partly red and green, red headings in first part; (21-72v) red and blue
Printed catalogs A. de la Mare, Catalogue of the Collection of Medieval Manuscripts bequeathed to the Bodleian Library Oxford by J.P.R. Lyell (1971) 143-6. G. Möser-Mersky, Mittelalt. Bibl.kat. Österreichs 3 (1961) 61 & 9.
Source Folkerts | Mare
Type of source cat. | pvt. notes
Source’s source insp.
Work 1Title (ms.) Treatise on arithmetic
Incipit Si quis in quatuor mathematicis disciplinis exercitandus expeditius ... Numeri principium et origo
Folio no. 1-20
Rubric Incipit introductorius liber qui et pulveris dicitur in mathematicam disciplinam
Explicit (18v) omnes ille partes que sunt ab uno in decem.
Colophon Explicit de numeris.
Additional texts Followed by two short pieces: (a) (18v) on Roman "minutiae" beg.: "Scire autem oportet quod monas in XII dividitur untias", ends: "leviter poterit invenire"; (b) (18v-19) on subtraction beg.: "Si volueris a quolibet numero quaslibet subtrahere partes, ends: "cum sua tertia et quarta sibi addita. Et sic in omnibus. Explicit".
Tables Two tables (19v-20): (a) "Multiplicationes astrologice in quibus adduntur nomina fractionum"; (b) "Multiplicationes vulgares in quibus multiplicantur nomina fractionum".
Blank leaves 20v
Additional copies Also found in IVatA Reg. Lat. 1285 (s. 14) ff. 14-20v; see a detailed description (with extracts) by E. Narducci, "Sur un manuscrit du Vatican du XIV siècle contenant un traité de calcul emprunté à la méthode Gobari. Lettre ... à M. Aristide Marre", Bulletin des sciences mathématique et astronomique (ed. by Darboux and others), ser. II, 7 (1883) 247-56. See also G. Eneström, Bibliotheca Mathematica 3 Folge 9 (1908-9) 2-4 323-5, who prints further extracts from the Vatican MS. and says that the treatise (without our ff. 18v-20) is an abbreviated version of the "Liber algorismi de pratica arismetrice" which beg.: "Quisquis in quatuor matheseos disciplinis", ed. B. Boncompagni, Trattati d'arithmetica 2 (1857) 25-93 and attributed by him on the Basis of FParN lat. 7359 to Johannes Hispalensis. There is an incomplete copy of the "Liber algorismi" beg.: "<S>i quis in quatuor, instead of Quisquis, ends: "pro LX pones unum in superiori differentia et" (equivalent of our MS. 11v l. 23). in GOxfB Selden Sup. 26 (s. 13) ff. 17-22v.
Work 2Author standard Adelard of Bath | Al-Khwarizmi
Title (ms.) Liber ysagogarum Alchoarismi
Contents 5 books only, the last "de temposibus et motibus"
Incipit Quoniam de quarta introducendis matheseos
Publ. descriptions F.J. Carmody, Arabic Astronomical and Astrological Sciences in Translation (1956) 48, attributes it to John of Seville.
Printed copies The first three books are pr. M. Curtze, Über eine Algorismus-schrift des XII Jh., Abhandlungen zur Gesch. der Mathematik 8 (1898) 17-27.
Folio no. 21-34
Rubric In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti. Incipit liber ysagogarum Alchoarismi ad totum qua<drivi>um
Explicit Motus itaque decimi in spatio 24 horarum mira celeritate finitur ut patet. Deo gratias et beate Marie virgini.
Blank leaves 34v
T & K Cf. TK 1271
Work 3Title (ms.) Algorismus de integris abbreviatus
Incipit Cum hec scientia de numeris que algorissmus ab inventore ut <leg. vel> ab algo quod est inductio et rismos
Folio no. 35-41v
Explicit sub loco millenarii.
Colophon Hec dicta de Algorisnmus ad presens sufficiant.
Additional texts (38-38v, at the end of the chapter on multiplication) a passage beg.: "Sciendum quod de multiplicatione", followed by verses (23 lines) beg.: "Si digitum digito debes numerare videto".
Glosses etc. Some later marginal corrections and additions
Additional copies TK cite three other Mss. It is also in GOxfB Auct. F. 5.23 (s. 13) ff. 212v-4v (contains not 38-38v of our MS.). It is a slightly expanded version of a "Tractatus de Algorismo" in GOxfB Bodl. 679 (s. 13) ff. 51v-6, which has the same incipit, but lacks the last chapter. These versions are closely related in content, and often in wording, to the Algorismus of Johannes de Sacrobosco, ed. M. Curtze, Petri Philomeni de Dacia in Algorismum Vulgarem Johannis de Sacrobosco Commentarius (1897) 1-19.
T & K Cf. TK 301
Work 4Author standard Al-Khwarizmi
Title (ms.) Algebra
Contents An algebra adepted from Al-Khwarizmi.
Incipit Unitas est principium numeri. Numerus enim est collectio unitatum
Printed catalogs E. Zinner, Verzeichnis der astronomischen Handschriften des deutschen Kulturgebietes (1925) # 2444c.
Publ. descriptions B.B. Hughes, Jordanus de Nemore, De numeris datis. A Critical Edition and Translation (1981) 52 (footnote 49). | It is almost certainly not from Gerard; see A. Björnbo, Gerhard von Cremona's Übersetzung von Alkhwarizmi's Algebra und von Euklid's Elementen, Bibl. Mathematica 3 Folge 6 (1905) 239-48. F.J. Carmody, Arabic Astronomical and Astrological Sciences in Translation (1956) 47, suggests William de Lunis as a possible author.
Printed copies Pr. B. Boncompagni, Della vita e delle opere di Gherardo Cremonense, Atti Acc. Nuovi Lincei 4 (1851) 28-51, from IVatA Lat. 4606, which has the above title and in which it is called a translation by Gerard of Cremona from the Arabic.
Folio no. 42-9v
Rubric Liber qui secundum Arabes vocatur algebra et almucabala
Explicit ex predictis regulis inveniatur solutio.
Colophon Explicit.
Work 5Author standard Arzachel | Johannes de Pavia
Title (ms.) Tables of Humeniz
Contents Tables from the Latin translation of Arzachel's Almanac, known as the Tables of Humeniz. The explanatory canons are omitted here. Our MS. contains: (a) (50-52v) "Tabula Saturni"; (b) (53-7) "Tabula Iovis"; (c) (57v-65) "Tabula Martis"; (d) (65v-6) "Tabula Veneris"; (e) (66v-70v) "Tabula Mercurii". The months in the tables go from September-August, and sometimes the Egyptian names are given (50, 53, 65v-6). (f) (71-2v) sun tables, one year on each leaf, with no captions, and in the wrong order; those for the third and fourth years precede the first and second.
Printed catalogs E. Zinner, Verzeichnis astron. Handschriften des deutschen Kulturgebietes (1925) 637
Publ. descriptions A. Krchnák, Neue Handschriften in London und Oxford. Reisebericht, Mitteilungen und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft 3 (1963) 104-5.
Printed copies Edition from the Arabic text by J. Millas Vallicrosa, Estudio sobre Azarquiel (1943-50) 158-324 tab. 7-14 & 26-63, see also plate vi.
Additional remarks In the last table (72v) the headings have not been filled in.
Folio no. 50-72v
Rubric Tabule locorum Saturni secundum Eumenium magistrum filie regis Ptolomei regis Azarchellus mutavit de annis egyptiorum ad annos Alexandri magni
Glosses etc. The notes on the use of the tables (50, 53), and the dates inserted (51v, 52, 54v, 55v) are probably in the hand of Cardinal Nicholaus of Cusa.
T & K Cf. TK 1394, 1397
Additional information For the Latin version of the Almanac see: J. Millas Vallicrosa, Estudio sobre Azarquiel (1943-50) 151-2 378-92. E. Zinner, Verzeichnis astron. Handschriften des deutschen Kulturgebietes (1925) 635-6 & 638-40
Work 6Author standard Campanus de Novara
Scribe(s) hand <alpha> (?)
Title (ms.) Four tables
Folio no. 73-4v
Rubric Almanac coniunctionum mediarum solis et lune ad primum cyclum decemnovenalem post meridiem Novarie
Additional copies These tables are also found, following Campanus' Computus Maior, in GOxfB Canon. Misc. 561 (s. 15) ff. 38-38v and in GOxfB Digby 215 (s. 15) ff. 93-4, where they are accompanied by an explanatory text.
Work 7Scribe(s) hand <alpha> (?)
Title (ms.) Eight tables
Contents 8 tables (12-13 x 4) showing the "dies", "ferie", "hore" and "puncta" of the conjunctions in the months, January-December, of the years A.D. 1280-7.
Folio no. 75-75v
Rubric Tabule ad inveniendum coniunctionem solis et lune secundum hebreos