
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Lyell Empt. 1

Old shelfmarks Admont 355
Short title Rasis
Century 13/I (?)
Place of origin Italy (?)
Language Latin
Previous owners Formerly # 355 in the library of the abbey of Admont, Austria. Identifiable in the 1376 catalogue: Item divisions egritudinum incipit "Ventilatus", and in the 1380 catalogue: Item divisiones egritudinum Abubet incipit "Ventilatum fuit" (ed. G. Moser-Mersky, Mittelalt. Bibl.kat. Oesterreichs 3 (1961) 9, 34, 59. Sold by Admont in or after 1934 to L. and A. Brecher of Brünn. Bought by Lyell in Feb. 1941 from Davis and Orioli: see their Cat. 93 # 177.
Material Membr. (rather poor quality)
Height × width 274 x 190
No. of leaves 44 (44 is a detached pastedown)
Gatherings 1-2^8 3^8(+1) 4^8 5^10
Binding leaves The pastedowns are formed of parts of two bifolia of a late s. 13 MS. of "quaestiones gramaticales". A section beg.: "Consequentur queritur utrum lego sit oratio perfecta".
Cover (s. 15) Wooden boards covered with rough white leather. Title written on the front cover in a contemporary hand. (<in) Description in German (s. 19).
Type of writing a current text hand
No. of columns 2 cols.
Width of columns 190-8 x 140 mm.
Lineation ruled with a hard point, 40 lines
Marginal annotations Writing above top line.
Exlibris (on spine) paper label of the abbey of Admont, Austria
Printed catalogs A. de la Mare, Catalogue of the Collection of Medieval Manuscripts bequeathed to the Bodleian Library Oxford by J.P.R. Lyell (1971) 279-80
Source Mare
Type of source cat.
Source’s source insp.
Work 1Author standard Gerardus Cremonensis | Rasis
Title (ms.) Liber divisionum
Incipit Ventillatum <sic> fuit in presenciam
Printed copies For addition on 28, H. Walther, Initia Carminum ac Versuum Medii Aevi Posterioris Latinorum, (1959) 7570.
Folio no. 1-32v
Rubric Incipit liber divisionum verba Abuberi filii Zaccarie Azari ventillatus
Explicit delent vestigia earum.
Glosses etc. (contemporary Italian hand) mainly medical recipes, including: (16v-7v) "Canon quem scripsit Algazir Adule Cor filius Abimelech filii Cor imperatori Sarracenorum Ali filio Iosephi filii Tesiphin de curatione lapidis", beg.: "Accidencia a quibus conveniencius est cavere", ends: "squillitico ö . et bibatur". (German hand, s. 13-4) charms, recipes, etc. including: (22v) "Ad calculum optima confectio, fecit eam Magister Albertus"; (23) "Pulvis probatissimus Magistri Nicolai de Anglia que cerebrum purgat, vertiginem capitis tollit ... etc. etc."; (32) 2 charms in German; (28) medical precepts in verse, beg.: "Hec precepta sequi debent aliosque docere, end "Hec ut sis sanus et eis contraria serves. Auctor Goswinus est metri non peregrinus" (22 lines); (31v) verses, beg.; "Est quedam forma que cuncta preit sine norma (8 lines); (9v-10) a piece of necromancy.
T & K Cf. TK 1684. For the additions cf. TK 14 & 185 (Avenzoar, De curatione lapidis).
Work 2Author standard Rasis
Title (ms.) Antidotarium
Incipit Dixi in hoc meo libro
Publ. descriptions For the addition on 39 see E. Wickersheimer, Benédiction des remèdes au moyen age (1952) 99
Folio no. 32v-41
Rubric Incipiunt capitula antidotarii verba Abubacri filii Zacarie Azari
Explicit donec inspissetur deinde repone.
Colophon Explicit Antidotarium divisionum libri.
Additional texts Followed by recipes for a plaster and an ointment, after which the explicit is repeated.
Glosses etc. (German hand, s. 13-4) charms, recipes, etc., including: (37v) a piece on the soul and the seats of the faculties, beg.: "Anima secundum officium ... viva est anima (cf. Ps.-Augustine, Liber de spiritu et anima, cap. xiii), continues: "Et nota quod intellectus dicitur esse in fronte, memoria in cerebro, ends: "mens in spiritu; (39) a blessing for medicine, beg.: "Deus qui mirabiliter hominem creasti, ends: "recipere mereatur per d".
Additional copies The addition on 37v is also in GOxfB Lyell 8 f. 26va. Addition on 39 in GOxfB Lyell 35 f. 42v.
T & K Cf. TK 445; for the addition on 39, cf. TK 410.
Work 3Author standard Rasis
Title (ms.) Synonima
Incipit Altid id est asa fetida
Folio no. 41v-3v
Explicit Zarnab id est psilorrum.
Colophon Expliciunt synonoma libri divisionum.
Additional texts Followed by a list of measures: Obolus-Cyathos.
T & K TK 82