Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 2057

s. XIIex-XIIIin (with intervention of later hands, see below).




the MS was in northern Italy in the 13th and 14th c.. F. 197v contains a letter, in an early 13th-c. hand, addressed by a student to his master ‘V. M.’ of Sandrigo (Veneto), saying that he is sending him the present MS (among others) from Trento at the request of V. M.’s brother: ‘Discreto et venerabili magistro V. M. de Sendrico, eius fidelis scolaris salutem. Per presentes litteras vobis notum facere cupio me istum librum et unum alterum physice et unum alterum volumen XII quaternionum penes Tridentum [Trento] nuper a fratre vestro recepisse. Quos vobis dare a fratre vestro iussus fui, et eos vobis mitto sigillatos meo sigillo per Calopum. Insuper mitto vobis quod receptionem librorum et statum vestrum litteris manus vestre scriptis usque in diem Martis proximam mittere non postponatis’ (ed. Georges, who corrected the text edited by Nogara, 435). Later in the 13th c., the MS was probably in Bologna, where it served as a model for MS Vatican, BAV, Barb. lat. 173, then, by the middle of the 14th c., probably in Florence, where it served as a direct or indirect model for MS Florence, BNC, Conv. Soppr. J.IV.20 (San Marco 182) (Georges). At some point in the 14th c., the MS also belonged to one master Andreas Johannes of Fermo, cf. f. 197v: ‘Iste liber Almagesti est magistri Andree Iohannis dicti (?) de Firmo…’ (Georges). The MS was at the Vatican Library by c. 1550.

Parchment, 198 f., a single hand, except for f. 107-114, copied by two Italian scribes sometime between the second half of the 13th c. and the first half of the 14th c. (this section corresponds to a quire that had been lost at an early date), and for additions by several hands on f. 1r-2v, 3r, 197v and 198r.

Ptolemaica (single text), except for added sections: a horoscope of nativity with notes for a certain B. born on 16 August 1295 (3r) and various notes by several hands, including owners’ notes (197v) and ‘Gebrus qui corrigit Ptholom<eum>’ (198r). Blank: 3v-4r, 196v-198v (except for added notes f. 197v and 198r, as indicated above).

Bibl. Inventarium librorum Latinorum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Vaticanae (handwritten catalogue), III, 293; B. Nogara, Codices Vaticani Latini. Codices 1401-2059, Roma, 1912, 434-435; P. Kunitzsch, Der Sternkatalog des Almagest. Die arabisch-mittelalterliche Tradition, II, Wiesbaden, 1990, 17; S. Georges, Glosses as a Source for the History of Science. The Case of Gerard of Cremona’s Translation of Ptolemy’s Almagest (forthcoming).


‘Liber hic precepto Maimonis regis Arabum, qui regnavit in Baldach… (2rb) Nota quod istud est primum capitulum Almagesti sub alia translatione [note added by the scribe in the margin]. (4v) Incipit liber Almagesti [title in upper margin, hand of the scribe]. <Q>uidam princeps nomine Albuguafe in libro suo quem scientiarum electionem verborum nominavit… (5r) Capitulum primum in quo huius scientie excellentiam et finem eius utilitatis dicam. <B>onum domine fuit quod sapientibus non deviantibus visum est — (195v) et honestum est ut ponamus hic finem libri. Expleta est dictio tertiadecima libri Ptolomei et cum ea completur liber Almagesti de disciplinalibus. Deo gratias. Capitulum primum in prologo huius libri. <B>onum quod fecerunt in eo quod video illi qui perscrutati sunt — neque consecuti sunt ex eius comprehensione quod oportet.’

= Ptolemy, Almagesti (tr. Gerard of Cremona) (A.1.2)

, Class B. Preface, 4v-5r; I, 5r-17v; II, 17v-38v; III, 38v-50v; IV, 50v-65v; V, 66r-83v; VI, 83v-102v; VII, 103r-113v; VIII, 114r-123v; IX, 123v-142r; X, 142r-152v; XI, 152v-168r; XII, 168r-181v; XIII, 181v-195v; chapter I.1 in Iṣhāq’s version, 195v-196r. The text is preceded, in a hand from the second half of the 13th c., by the end of the preface and a chapter index of all 13 books, 1r-2v. The same hand supplied the rubrics throughout. Numerous glosses by the scribe and by later hands. A selection of these glosses (shared by MSS Cracow, BJ, 590 and Vatican, BAV, Barb. lat. 173) have been edited by H. Zepeda, The Medieval Latin Transmission of the Menelaus Theorem, PhD dissertation, University of Oklahoma at Norman, 2013, 386-389.