Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

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Venice, Museo Civico Correr, Correr 1035

s. XV2.


Italy, the Ptolemaic section was copied by a ‘Iohannes Colini’ (or Colivi?), cf. f. 299r.

Paper, I+302 f., two hands (f. 1-146 and 147-302).

Various: table of contents (Ir); Seneca, Tragedies (1r-146r); Ptolemaica (147v-302v). Blank: Iv, 146v.

Bibl. P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, II, London-Leiden, 1977, 288; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, VI, London-Leiden, 1992, 272.


‘Dixit Egidius de Thebaldis Lombardus de civitate Parmansi. <S>cire et intelligere gloriosum est anima gloriosa que intelligit et discernit… (147v) Tractatus primus glose Aly Abenrudiana supra primam partem libri quadripartiti Ptholomei Pheludiani. Dixit Aly: <V>erba que dixit sapientissimus Ptholomeus in arte iudiciorum astronomie… (149v) <R>ex (!), Miçori, quibus perficiuntur pronosticationes accepte de astronomia maiores et nobiliores sunt due — (299r) posuit in hoc libro sunt res et radices quibus ars ista. Explicit. Benedictus sit Deus gloriosus et sublimis et Deus illum, scilicet Iohanem Colini (?), dirigat qui scripsit. Volo in hoc loco tibi dare exemplum trium nativitatum ut melius intendas quicquid locuti sumus in eis, et prima (299v) nativitas est in ea (!) — hec sunt que tibi glosavi in quibus studium et mentem apponas et Deus te dirigat in viam rectam. Amen.’

= Haly Abenrudian, Glosa super Quadripartito Tholomei (C.2.2)

. Translator’s preface, 147r-147v; Haly’s preface, 147v-149v; I, 149v-195v; II, 195v-231v; III, 231v-266v; IV, 266v-299r; Haly’s appendix, 299r-302v. A few marginal notes by another hand. This copy appears to be of poor quality, as far as the text is concerned.