Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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St Petersburg, Biblioteka Akademii Nauk, IV-1-935

s. XV2 (copied between c. 1462 and 1475, except f. 40r-40v, slightly older).


autograph of Regiomontanus (except f. 40r-40v).


Bernhard Walter; Nürnberg, Ratsbücherei, by 1522; Willibald Pirckheimer in 1524; Christoph Joachim Haller von Hallerstein c. 1750; Christoph Gottlieb von Murr in 1799 (ex-libris, inner front cover and f. 1r); Alexander I of Russia in 1805; Moscow, university library; St Petersburg, Pulkovo Observatory, c. 1850.

Paper, 302 f., a single hand (Regiomontanus), except for f. 40r-40v.

Ptolemaica (2r-302v and 40r-40v). Blank: 1, 39v.

Bibl. E. Zinner, ‘Einige Handschriften des Johann Regiomontan (aus Königsberg in Franken)’, Historischer Verein, Bamberg, Berichte 100 (1964), 315-323: 318-321; M. Shank and R. L. Kremer, Regiomontanus: Defensio Theonis, published online (2009) at


‘(37r) Nuper quosdam offendi commentarios in magnam Claudii Ptolemaei compositionem inclito ac Christianissimo Pannoniarum regi Matthiae autore Georgio Trapezuntio inscriptos — (39r) ab iniuriis distat abstinere siquando alieno indire peccata sua recognoverit. (2r) Defensio Theonis contra Trapezuntium [title in upper margin]. In prefatione Leonem Iudeum carpens inquit: Nec potuit percipere dispositiones aeris propinquitatem et remotionem — clientulo indicatam tuo declinare velis. Hinc procul fugite quicumque sideralem queritis disciplinam commentariosque mendaces una cum autore suo Georgio Trapezuntio sinite valere.’

= Johannes Regiomontanus, Defensio Theonis contra Trapezuntium (C.1.23)

. Preface, 37r-39r; Book I, 2r-17r; II, 17v-29v; III, 29v-36v and 40v-50r; IV, 50v-57v; V, 57v-92r; VI, 92r-144r; VII, 144r-147v; VIII, 147v-150v; IX, 151r-186v; X, 186v-190r; XI, 190r-207r; XII, 207r-244r; XIII, 244r-302v. Corrections by Regiomontanus. The preface was copied in the middle of Book III, 37r-39r. F. 39v is blank.


‘Epistola Georgii Trapezuntii in Commentatum Almagesti [title added in upper margin by another hand]. Ad Christianissimum inclitumque Pannoniae regem Mathiam Georgii Trapesuntii commentariorum ad Claudii Ptholomei Magnam compositionem praefatio. Multa sunt, illustrissime rex, que me hortantur atque impellunt ut toto ex animo Deum orem — aggrediemur alia in nominis tui rerumque abste gestarum gloriam immortalem.’