Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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London, British Library, Arundel 339

s. XIIex or XIIIin.


southern Germany, perhaps the monastery St Peter of Kastl in Bavaria, where the MS was to be found soon after 1222, cf. list of the first seven abbots ‘huius loci’ from Altmannus (d. 1130) to Gebhardus (d. 1222) f. 151v.


Henry Howard (d. 1684), who bequeathed the MS to the Royal Society; acquired by the British Museum in 1831.

Parchment, 153 f., a single hand. One or several folia are missing between f. 68 and 69.

Scientific texts of the early Middle Ages: diagram on the classification of knowledge and astronomical diagrams (1r); Boethius, De arithmetica (1v-31r); mnemonic verses on arithmetic and computus (31v-36r); Proportiones competentes in astrorum industria (36v-40v); Gerbert of Aurillac (?), Isagoge geometriae (41r-49r); Pseudo-Boethius, Geometria II (49r-59r); Hugh of St Victor, Practica geometrie (59r-68r); sphere of Petosiris (68r-68v); Ptolemaica (69r); Calcidius, Timaeus, excerpts (69v-71r); Hyginus, De astronomia (71v-89v); ‘Liber de wazalchora. Spera Ptolomei, quam astrolabium vel astrolapsum pocius wazalcoram, id est planam speram, appelamus…’ (90r-97v); Guido of Arezzo, Micrologus (98r-104r); other treatises of music (104r-110r); Calcidius, Timaeus, excerpts (110v-120v); Macrobius, Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis (121r-151r); astronomical text (152va-152vb); Pliny’s apsidal diagram (153r). Blank: 152r, 153v (except an unfinished astronomical figure).

Bibl. Catalogue of Manuscripts in the British Museum, New Series, vol. I, part 1: The Arundel Manuscripts, London, 1834, 101-102; F. Saxl, Verzeichnis astrologischer und mythologischer illustrierte Handschriften des Mittelalters, III (with H. Meier): Handschriften in Englischen Bibliotheken, London, 1953, 2 vols, I, 93-98; J. Smits van Waesberghe, Guidonis Aretini Micrologus, s.l., 1955, 30-31; M. Folkerts, «Boethius» Geometrie II. Ein mathematisches Lehrbuch des Mittelalters, Wiesbaden, 1970, 18-19; S. Krämer, Handschriftenerbe des deutschen Mittelalters, I, München, 1989, 389; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, IV, London-Leiden, 1989, 671; The Theory of Music, IV: C. Meyer, M. Huglo, N. C. Phillips, Manuscripts from the Carolingian Era up to c. 1500 in Great Britain and in the United States of America, München, 1992, 66-67; L. Toneatto, Codices Artis Mensoriae. I manoscritti degli antichi opusculi latini d’agrimensura (V-XIX sec.), Spoleto, 1994-1995, III, 1144-1149; Codices Boethiani: A Conspectus of Manuscripts of the Works of Boethius, I: Great Britain and the Republic of Northern Ireland, eds M. T. Gibson, L. Smith, London, 1995, 122-123; D. Juste, Les Alchandreana primitifs. Étude sur les plus anciens traités astrologiques latins d’origine arabe (xe siècle), Leiden-Boston, 2007, 323-324; D. Blume, M. Haffner, W. Metzger, Sternbilder des Mittelalters. Der gemalte Himmel zwischen Wissenschaft und Phantasie, I: 800-1200, Berlin, 2012, 2 vols, I.1: Text und Katalog der Handschriften, 302-307.


‘Regula perfectissima, archanissima, divinissima, in qua satis laboravit Pitagoras et Ptolomeus — sequentem intuere inscriptionem’ (followed by tables).