Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Work C.4.5

Federico Commandino
In Planisphaerium Ptolemaei commentarius

A commentary on Ptolemy’s Planispherium in Hermann of Carinthia’s translation (A.6.1) published by Federico Commandino in Venice in 1558, together with his own edition of the original text. MS Urbino, BU, Fondo del Comune – Busta 120 (28) contains the draft or the preparatory work for the edition.

Text ‘(ed. Venice 1558) Federici Commandini Urbinatis in Planisphaerium Ptolemaei commentarius. [preface] In hoc libro rationem tradit Ptolemaeus, qua circulos omnes sphaerae caelestis in plano describere possimus… [text] Figuram visam, quemadmodum appareat in proposito plano, describere — (19r) et aliud quodvis corpus. Cum sit possibile, o Syre, etc. Primum docet Ptolemaeus dato aequinoctiali circulo in plano proposito — pariter fecamus, unde stellarum loca certissima ratione deprehenduntur.’

Bibl. J.-B.-J. Delambre, Histoire de l’astronomie ancienne, Paris, 1817, II, 456; A. Ciocci, ‘I manoscritti urbinati di Federico Commandino: Una ricognizione delle Buste 120 e 121 della Biblioteca Universitaria di Urbino’, Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche 38 (2018), 237-269: 244-245; A. Ciocci, Federico Commandino. Umanesimo matematico e rivoluzione scientifica, Urbino, 2023, 83-96, 257-268 and 373-374.

Modern ed. No modern edition, but the text has been translated into English by C. Anagnostakis, The Arabic Version of Ptolemy’s Planisphaerium, PhD dissertation, Yale University, 1985, 145-170.