Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Work C.3.22

Alexander Paduanus
Expositio super LX enuntiatum Ptolomei de figura XVI laterum

A commentary on v. 60 of the Centiloquium in Giovanni Pontano’s translation (B.1.9), written by one Alexander Paduanus, who describes himself as a ‘philosopher and physician of Forli’. The only known manuscript dates from the sixteenth century and is probably Alexander Paduanus’s autograph.

Text ‘(Cesena, BCM, Comunitativa 167.123) Alexandri Paduani philosophi ac medici Foroliviensis Expositio super LX enuntiatum Ptolomei de figura XVI laterum. [text] Ptolomeus: Super aegrotis criticos dies inspice ac Lunae peragrationem in angulis figurae XVI laterum, uni enim eos angulos bene affectos inveneris, bene erit languenti, contra male, si eos afflictos inveneris. [comm.] Adeo varie locuti sunt doctores exponendo hanc sententiam Ptolomei ut vix quid sibi vellit coniectari — et intercidentibus atque vacuis. Et haec pro expositione huius enuntiati breviter dicta sufficiant.’

Bibl. ---

Modern ed. ---