Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, 1035

s. XIII1.


Italian hand.


Jacobus Carpensis, prior of Santa Maria near Naples, 15th c. (f. Iv: ‘Ego frater Iacobus Carpensis, prior monasterii Sancte Marie extra Neapolim, ordinis Montis Oliveti, subscripsi’ and f. 131v: ‘Ego, frater Iacobus, prior, qui supra subscripsi’); Francesco de’Medici in 1525 (f. 131v).

Parchment, I+131 f., a single neat hand, except for f. 130v-131v, added by a later hand.

Astronomy mainly: Ptolemaica (1ra-79va); Menelaus, Spherica (81ra-104ra); ‘Volo ostendere quod omnium trium linearum proportionalium…’ (104rb-104vb); Thebit Bencora, De figura sectore, tr. Gerard of Cremona (105ra-110ra); Alpetragius, De motibus celorum (112ra-129vb); star table for 1185 in Toledo (129vb-130r); Revelatio Esdrae ‘Si kalende Ianuarii fuerint die dominico, yems calidus erit…’ (130va-130vb); ‘Incipit cursus Lune dodicim (!) mensium…’ (130vb-131va); zodiologium ‘Quando Luna fuerit in Aquario, signo firmo, bonum est plantare…’ (131va-131vb). Blank: 80, 110v-111v.

Bibl. H. Martin, Catalogue des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, II, Paris, 1886, 246-247; F. S. Pedersen, The Toledan Tables. A Review of the Manuscripts and the Textual Versions with an Edition, København, 2002, I, 154.


‘[space for title, left blank or erased] <S>cientia species habet quarum melior post scientiam sunt digniores ut evanescant et destruantur. Completa est declaratio eius. Completus est tractatus nonus et est ultimus libri. Hunc librum transtulit in Toleto magister Girardus Cremonensis de Arabico in Latinum.’

= Geber, Liber super Almagesti (C.1.2)

. Preface, 1ra-2ra; I, 2ra-10ra; II, 10ra-19vb; III, 19vb-24ra; IV, 24ra-32va; V, 32va-46rb; VI, 46rb-57va; VII, 57va-69ra; VIII, 69ra-73rb; IX, 73rb-79va. Glosses by the scribe, including a massive gloss f. 50v-51r.