

1.1. General Histories

Abetti (G.), The History of Astrology, New York, 1952.

Astrology through History. Interpreting the Stars from Ancient Mesopotamia to the Present, ed. W. E. Burns, Santa Barbara-Denver, 2018.

Astronomía y astrología. De los orígenes al Renacimiento, ed. A. Pérez Jiménez, Madrid, 1994, viii + 264 pp.

Bezza (G.), L’astrologia: storia e metodi, Milano, 1981.

Bobrick (B.), The Fated Sky: Astrology in History, New York, 2006, 376 pp.

Boll (F.), Bezold (C.), Gundel (W.), Sternglaube und Sterndeutung. Die Geschichte und das Wesen der Astrologie, Darmstadt, 1917, 230 pp. [6th ed. Darmstadt, 1974].

Böttcher (H. M.), Sterne, Schicksal und Propheten: Dreissigtausend Jahre Astrologie, München, 1965, 371 pp.

Boxer (A.), A Scheme of Heaven: The History of Astrology and the Search for Our Destiny in Data, New York, 2020.

Campion (N.), An Introduction to the History of Astrology, London, 1982.

Campion (N.), A History of Western Astrology , I: The Ancient and Classical Worlds ; II: The Medieval and Modern Worlds, 2 vols, London, 2008–2009.

Droessler (R.), Planeten, Tierkreiszeichen, Horoskope. Ein Ausflug in die Mythologie, Spekulation und Wirklichkeit, Leipzig, 1984, 147 pp.

Gazzolo (B.), L’astrologia attraverso i secoli, Rapallo, 2000, 352 pp.

Gettings (F.), The Book of the Zodiac: A Historical Anthology of Astrology, London, 1972, 143 pp.

Grochol (W.), Magie, Alchemie und die Heilkunde. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Aberglaubens, Frankfurt, 1988, 215 pp.

Gundel (W.), Sternglaube, Sternreligion und Sternorakel. Aus der Geschichte der Astrologie, Leipzig, 1933, 168 pp. [2nd ed. Heidelberg, 1959].

Halbronn (J.), Hutin (S.), Histoire de l’astrologie, Paris, 1986, 273 pp.

Hall (M. P.), The Story of Astrology, London, 1951, 128 pp.

History and Astrology: Clio and Urania Confer, ed. A. Kitson, London, 1989, 272 pp.

Holden (J. H.), A History of Horoscopic Astrology, Tempe, 1996, 359 pp. [2nd ed. Tempe, 2006].

Hutin (S.), Histoire de l’astrologie. Science ou superstition?, Verviers, 1970, 189 pp.

Joffe (M.), La conquista delle stelle. Astrolatria, astrologia, astronomia, astrofisica, Milano, 1958, 730 pp.

Knappich (W.), Geschichte der Astrologie, Frankfurt am Main, 1967 [trans. Histoire de l’astrologie, Paris, 1986].

L’astrologia e la sua influenza nella filosofia, nella letteratura e nell’arte dall’eta classica al rinascimento, Milano, 1992.

L’astrologie à travers l’histoire. Perspectives, Paris, 1985, 270 pp.

La Mattina (M.), Astrologia: 2000 anni di scienza degli oroscopi, Milano, 1995.

Maxwell-Stuart (P. G.), Astrology: From Ancient Babylon to the Present, Chalford, 2010.

McCaffery (E.), Astrology: Its History and Influence in the Western World, New York, 1942, 408 pp.

McIntosh (C.), The Astrologers and their Creed: An Historical Outline, London, 1969, 146 pp.

Naylor (P. I. H.), Astrology: An Historical Examination, London, 1967, 242 pp.

Parker (D.), Parker (J.), A History of Astrology, London, 1983, 214 pp. [trans. Astrologie. Son origine, son histoire, ses symboles, Lausanne-Paris, 1984].

Pattie (T. S.), Astrology. As Illustrated in the Collections of the British Library and the British Museum, London, 1980.

Peuckert (W.-E.), Astrologie. Geschichte der Geheimwissenschaften, Stuttgart, 1960, 279 pp. [trans. L'astrologie. Son histoire, ses doctrines, Paris, 1980].

Pompeo Faracovi (O.), Scritto negli astri. L’astrologia nella cultura dell’Occidente, Venezia, 1996, 298 pp.

Puerta (M.), La maravillosa historia de la astrologia, Bogota, 1993.

Santos (D.), Introducción a la historia de la astrología, Barcelona, 1986.

Schoener (G.-A.), Astrologie in der Europäischen Religionsgeschichte. Kontinuität und Diskontinuität, Tübingen, 2016 [tr. Astrology in European Religious History. Its Philosophical Foundations through the Ages, Berlin-Bern-Bruxelles, 2023].

Sementovsky-Kurilo (N.), Der Mensch griff nach den Sternen. Astrologie in der Geistesgeschichte des Abendlandes, Zürich-Stuttgart, 1970, 381 pp.

Shulman (S.), Geschichte der Astrologie. Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Eltville, 1978, 188 pp.

Strunz (F.), Astrologie, Alchemie, Mystik: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, München, 1928, 351 pp.

Tester (J.), A History of Western Astrology, Woodbridge, 1987, 256 pp.

Vanki, Histoire de l’astrologie, Paris, 1906, 165 pp.

von Sebottendorf (R.), Geschichte der Astrologie, Vol. I: Urzeit und Altertum, Leipzig, 1923, 116 pp.

von Stuckrad (K.), Geschichte der Astrologie. Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart, München, 2003, 412 pp. [trans. History of Western Astrology. From Earliest Times to the Present, London, 2005].

Whitfield (P.), Astrology: A History, New York, 2001, 208 pp.

Zinner (E.), Sternglaube und Sternforschung, Freiburg-München, 1953, xiii + 170 pp. [trans. The Stars above Us, or, the Conquest of Superstition, London, 1957, 141 pp.].

Zolar, The History of Astrology, London, 1974, 311 pp.