Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, 10053 (olim Toledo 98-21)

s. XIIImed (after 1246, cf. f. 16v).


Alvaro de Oviedo, who heavily glossed the MS and copied several texts on added folia (f. 1-8, 67-69 and 136v-141v) and originally blank folia (f. 34r, 44, 111 and 118); cathedral of Toledo before 1360, when the MS was temporarily confiscated by the royal official Mateo Ferrandes (cf. f. 156v: ‘Matheus Ferrandes’).

Parchment, 157 f., several neat hands, reserved initials.

Astronomy, astrology and various: Azarchel, Saphea, tr. Guillelmus Anglicus (1ra-1vb); Pseudo-Thebit Bencora, De motu octave spere (1vb-3rb); Jordanus de Nemore, De plana spera (3rb-4r); Alvaro de Oviedo (?), mathematical, astronomical and astrological tables and notes (4v-8v); various astronomical tables related to the Toledan tables (9r-18v), including a table of equal hours ‘ad meridiem Toleti’ (13r-13v) and John of London, star table for 1246 in Paris (16v); Alfraganus, De scientia astrorum, tr. Gerard of Cremona (19ra-27ra); Ptolemaica (27rb-34ra); astrological notes, added by Alvaro de Oviedo (34ra-34rb); ‘Umbram antiqui trifariam diviserunt…’ (35ra-36ra); Simplicius, comm. on Aristotle’s De caelo II.12, tr. William of Moerbeke ‘Super illum locum Aristotelis in secundo De celo…’ (36ra-37vb); Pseudo-Aristotle, De inundatione Nili (38ra-38vb); De bona fortuna (38vb-39vb); Aristotle, Ethica ad Eudemum, incomplete (39vb-40ra); Zenodorus, De isoperimetris (40rb-41rb); ‘Isoperimetrorum isopleurorum circulis contentorum…’ (41rb-43vb); notes on motion, added by Alvaro de Oviedo (44r-44v); Zael, Liber iudiciorum (45va-56vb, including De electionibus, Liber temporum and a selection of chapters from De interrogationibus); Tabula prenostica Salomonis (7r-59v); calendar (60r-66v); Abraham Avenezra, Liber de rationibus tabularum (67ra-76ra); William of Hirsau, De statu mundi (76ra-76rb); astrolabe ‘Qui vult in quolibet loco scire…’ (76rb-76va); Messahallah, Liber receptionis (77ra-82vb); Gergis, De significatione septem planetarum in domibus (82vb-84ra); Messahallah, Epistola de rebus eclipsium (84ra-85ra); Messahallah, Liber interpretationum (85ra-86ra); Messahallah, De cogitatione (86ra-86va); Johannes Hispanus, Sententie de diversis libris (86va-88vb); Ptolemaica (89ra-110vb); diagrams and notes on the astrolabe, added by Alvaro de Oviedo (111r-111v); Ibn al-Ṣaffār, De opere astrolabii, tr. John of Seville (112ra-117vb); notes on the astrolabe, added by Alvaro de Oviedo (118r-118v); Ptolemaica (119ra-130vb); Messahallah, De revolutionibus annorum mundi (132ra-136ra); Aomar, De nativitatibus (136va-141vb); Alpetragius, De motibus celorum (143r-156v). Blank: 34v, 45r, 131, 142, 157.

Bibl. J. M. Millàs Vallicrosa, Las traducciones orientales en los manuscritos de la Biblioteca Catedral de Toledo, Madrid, 1942, 180-202; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, IV, London-Leiden, 1989, 538; Inventario general de manuscritos de la Biblioteca Nacional, XIV, Madrid, 2000, 313-314; F. S. Pedersen, The Toledan Tables. A Review of the Manuscripts and the Textual Versions with an Edition, København, 2002, I, 132; Simplicius. Commentaire sur le traité Du ciel d'Aristote. Traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke, I: F. Bossier, C. Vande Veire, G. Guldentops, Edition critique, Leuven, 2004, xxiii-xxiv.


‘<S>ignorum alia sunt masculini generis, alia feminini… (33rb) Ut autem de ipsorum mutatione particulariter nosse — aliquod siccum vel lignum.’

= Pseudo-Ptolemy, Iudicia (B.3)

. The text includes Pseudo-Aristotle’s De Luna on f. 32vb-33rb and Pseudo-Ptolemy’s De temporum mutatione (B.12) on f. 33rb-33vb (see below). Substantial glosses by a contemporary or somewhat later hand.


‘Ut autem de ipsorum mutatione particulariter nosse verum desideraveris, regule que non dicentur a tuo animo non labantur. <P>rima die mensis Septembris, Icarus, per custos plaustri, apparet cum Solis ortu — et in planeto (!) illius turris habetur dominium totius anni.’

= Pseudo-Ptolemy, De temporum mutatione (B.12)

, as part of the previous text. Substantial glosses by the same hand as above.


‘Quadripartitus Ptholomei [title added in upper margin by a later hand]. <D>e hiis communiter que ad totum librum pertinent. Quid potissimum per astronomiam valeat… (table). <I>uxta providam philosophorum assertionem quos videlicet in prescientia futurorum — in modesti libidini abrenuncians…’

= Ptolemy, Quadripartitum (tr. Hugo Sanctelliensis) (A.2.2)

. I, 89ra-96rb; II, 96rb-102rb; III, 102rb-107rb; IV, 107rb-110vb. Abrupt end in IV.10 at the bottom of f. 110v. Glosses by several hands, including substantial glosses by Alvaro de Oviedo.


‘<P>ostquam accidentia generalia in hiis que ex nostra observatione premissa sunt — Rebus itaque nativitatum generaliter explicatis hoc in loco huic libro finem imponere non incogruum existimamus.’

= Ptolemy, Quadripartitum (tr. Plato of Tivoli) (A.2.1)

, Books III-IV. III, 119ra-126ra; IV, 126ra-130vb. Glosses by Alvaro de Oviedo.