ἀπογειότατον ‘apogee’
Greek. – Grammar: superlative form of the adj. ἀπόγειος.
References: | Alm. Heiberg: III.3, 217:13 |
Translated into: | |
Arabic: | موضع البعد الأبعد من الأرض [Alm. MS Leiden: f. 38v] |
Modern translations: | |
English: | apogee [Alm. Toomer: 141] |
Synonyms: | |
ἀπόγειον | [Alm. Heiberg: III.3, 219:3,5,7,10, 229:20. – Handy Tables: 161:11; 166:4,10; 168:12,24; 169:10; 172:20. – Insc. Canobi: 152:7,10,23; 153:1,3,5,7. – PH Heiberg: I.5:3, 76:29] |