
Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus – Texts 1
Henry Zepeda, The First Latin Treatise on Ptolemyʼs Astronomy. The Almagesti minor (c. 1200), Turnhout: Brepols, 2018, 662 pp.

Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus – Studies 1
Ptolemy’s Science of the Stars in the Middle Ages, eds David Juste, Benno van Dalen, Dag Nikolaus Hasse and Charles Burnett, Turnhout: Brepols, 2020, 463 pp.

Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus – Texts 2
Benno van Dalen, Ptolemaic Tradition and Islamic Innovation: The Astronomical Tables of Kūshyār ibn Labbān, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021, 632 pp.

Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus – Studies 2
Editing and Analysing Numerical Tables. Towards a Digital Information System for the History of Astral Sciences, eds Matthieu Husson, Clemency Montelle and Benno van Dalen, Turnhout: Brepols, 2021, 624 pp.

Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus – Texts 3
Flora Vafea, The Risāla Dhāt al-kursī attributed to Ptolemy. A Treatise on the Celestial Globe with Stand, Turnhout: Brepols, 2024, 245 pp.

Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus – Texts 4
Paul Hullmeine, Ptolemy’s Cosmology in Greek and Arabic. The Background and Legacy of the Planetary Hypotheses, Turnhout: Brepols, 2024, 479 pp.