Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Oxford, Bodleian Library, Savile 26

s. XVI2 (1568, cf. ‘27 Octo<bris> 1568’ f. 3r and ‘8o Novembris 1568’ f. 78v).


autograph of Henry Savile.

Paper, 91 f., a single hand. The MS belongs with MSS Savile 27 and 28 (see).

Ptolemaica (single text), except for Savile’s notes and tables, mainly mathematical (1r, 2r-2v, 79r-81v). Blank: 1v, 82r-90v, 91r-91v (except for scattered notes f. 90v and 91v).

Bibl. F. Madan, H. H. E. Craster, A Summary Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, II.2, Oxford, 1937, 1108-1109 (nos 6572-74); R. Goulding, Studies of the Mathematical and Astronomical Papers of Sir Henry Savile, PhD dissertation, The Warburg Institute, 1999, 134-135.


‘Ptolemaeus. Praeclare mihi videntur, Syre, seniores (corr. ex doctiores) philosophi contemplantem philosophiae partem ab activa separasse… Theon. Assiduis auditorum adhortationibus compulsus, fili Epiphanie, ut aliquid de iis quae difficiliora in mathematica Ptolemaei — et in recta sphaera finientem. Finis.’

= Theon of Alexandria, 〈Commentum in Almagesti〉 (tr. Henry Savile) (C.1.30.3)

, Book I. The text is followed by four lines in Latin and Greek referring to Theodosius’s Spherica. Interlinear and marginal corrections, including in Greek, by Savile.