Oxford, Bodleian Library, Savile 28
s. XVI2 (1568).
Or.:autograph of Henry Savile.
Paper, 85 f. foliated 1-29 and 1-56, a single hand. The MS belongs with MSS Savile 26 and 27 (see).
Astronomy and mathematics: Ptolemaica (1r-28r); Henry Savile, Auctores mathematici (28v-II/38v, with index II/49v-50v); mathematical notes by Henry Savile (II/44v-45v, 47v, 51v-56v). Blank: II/39r-44r, 46r-47r, 49r, 51r. F. 48 is torn out.
Bibl. F. Madan, H. H. E. Craster, A Summary Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, II.2, Oxford, 1937, 1108-1109 (nos 6572-74); R. Goulding, Studies of the Mathematical and Astronomical Papers of Sir Henry Savile, PhD dissertation, The Warburg Institute, 1999, 136-138.
‘Ptolemaeus. Lib<er> 5. Cap<itulum> primum de fabrica organi astrolabici. Quantum igitur ad coniunctiones et plenilunia pertinet — a puncto verticis ad Lunam.’ = Theon of Alexandria, 〈Commentum in Almagesti〉 (tr. Henry Savile) (C.1.30.3)
, Book V, interspersed with Theon’s and Pappus’s commentaries. Corrections by Savile. |