Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

_ (the underscore) is the placeholder for exactly one character.
% (the percent sign) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character.
%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

At the beginning and at the end, these placeholders are superfluous.

St Petersburg, Rossiĭskaya Natsionalnaya Biblioteka, lat. Q.XVIII.116

s. XV2 (copied in 1474, cf. f. 36v: ‘Et t<antu>m de secundo quadripartiti sapientis Ptholomei anno 1474’).



Paper, 72 f., a single hand.

Ptolemaica (single text), except for notes by the scribe f. 1r: ‘Circa primum librum sapientis Ptholomei nota. Cum (?) astronomia sanctis patribus odiosa fuit… De inventoribus Astronomie et Astrologie. Refert dominus Albertus in scripto super Almagesti Ptholomei — locuti ymaginati sunt’. Blank: 1v.

Bibl. O. Bleskina, Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum latinorum qui in Bibliotheca Publica Petropolitana asservantur: Jurisprudentia, Philosophia, Scientia, Monumenta litterarum, Ars, St Petersburg, 2011, 305 (no. 783).


‘Capitulum primum primi tractatus libri quatuor parcium Ptholomei Velodiani. Res, o Misori, quibus perficiuntur pronosticationes accepte de astronomia maiores et nobiliores sunt due. Una quarum est que debet in ordinacione et virtute preponi et est hec ars qua duorum luminarium et quinque planetarum figure sciuntur secundum motum suum — Et iudicabimus dispositores temporum particularium in iuvando istud vel ei nocendo…’.

= Haly Abenrudian, Glosa super Quadripartito Tholomei (C.2.2)

, without the translator’s preface and without the last paragraphs of Book IV. I, 2r-21r; II, 21v-36v; III, 37r-59v; IV, 60r-72v (abrupt end in the middle of IV.10 at the bottom of the page). Haly’s commentary has been copied in the margin by the scribe, but incompletely and in a chaotic manner. This commentary breaks off in III.10 (f. 45r) and there are no more marginal notes thereafter.