Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Acquisti e Doni 694

s. XVIex.

Paper, 341 f. (new foliation in pencil; this foliation jumps from 189 to 200, but nothing is missing there), a single neat hand copied f. 1r-183r and 185r-245v, and three other, sloppier hands copied f. 247r-266r, 267r-272v and 275r-341v. Old foliation and catchwords show that folia are missing (or misplaced) in several places, including at least between current f. 174-175 (20 folia acc. old foliation), somewhere between f. 175 and 185 (9 folia acc. old foliation), and also between 234-235, 283-284, 340-341 and after 341. The exemplar was, apparently, already defective, for the scribe noted after the explicit of Book II (175v): ‘Ex Theone nihil aliud omnino invenitur de secundo ac tertio libro Magnae constructionis’.

Ptolemaica (single text). Blank: 113, 176r, 184v, 246, 266v, 270v, 273v-274v.

Bibl. P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, V, London-Leiden, 1990, 567.


‘Theonis Alexandrini commentarius in primum constructionis mathematicae Ptolemaei. Ad Epiphanium filium prohoemium. Frequentius admonitus ab auditoribus, Epiphani fili, ut eorum explanationem afferre quae unicuique ex Mathematica Ptolemaei constructione difficilia viderentur…’

= Theon of Alexandria, 〈Commentum in Almagesti〉 (tr. late 16th c.) (C.1.30.6)

, incomplete and chaotic. I, 1r-112v; II, 114r-184v (explicit 175v, tables 176v-183r and note by another hand 183v-184r: ‘Exposita angulorum tabula deinceps inquit…’); III, 185r-245v (beginning missing: ‘AFK sunt aequales, aequales vero sunt quoniam ipsa…’, see below 275r-); IV, 247r-254v; V, 255r-266r (end missing); confused notes on various sections of Books IV and V, 267r-273r; III, 275r-341v. Corrections and marginal notes by various hands.