Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz, lat. fol. 646 (Boncompagni 306)

s. XV (information Stefan Georges) – the colophon dated 1268 on f. 27v (‘Contimus Lunatus Cumensis (?) scripsi cum Dei laude 1268 Christi’) was presumably copied by the scribe from his model.


Guglielmo Libri (d. 1869); Baldassarre Boncompagni (1821-1894).

Parchment, 39 f., a single very neat hand, reserved initial. Folia are missing at the beginning.

Astrology: table of contents, early modern hand (1r); Ptolemaica (3r-19r); diagram ‘Circulus 16 angulorum’ (19v), followed by ‘Incipit tractatus de creticis diebus. <C>irculus 16 angulorum describit dies creticos…’ (20r-21v); Capitula Almansoris (22r-27v); Hermes, Centiloquium (28r-32v); Zael, Quinquaginta precepta, in the version of the Liber trium iudicum (32v-35r); ‘Mercurius Babilonie anforisma 45. 1. Si operaberis ex partibus illius planete…’ (35r-36v). Blank: 1v-2v, 37r-39v.

Bibl. G. Libri, Catalogue of the Extraordinary Collection of Splendid Manuscripts, Chiefly upon Vellum, in Various Languages of Europe and the East, Formed by M. Guglielmo Libri, The Eminent Collector, who is obliged to leave London in consequence of ill health, and for that reason to dispose of his Literary Treasures, London, 1859, 189 (no. 845); E. Narducci, Catalogo di manoscritti ora posseduti da D. Baldassarre Boncompagni, Roma, 1892, 179-180; R. B. Thomson, M. Folkerts, Boncompagni Manuscripts: Present Shelfmarks, Beta Version 2.1 (October 2021), published online, 28.


‘…nus, Iupiter, Venus, Luna. Saturnus, Iupiter, Venus, Luna… (3v) Capictulum (!) 51. <V>erbum 51. Locus Lune in nativitate est ipse gradus ascendens de circulo hora casus spermatis… Expositio. In hoc concordati sunt physici — et maximus namque error foret si traderetur illi. Et ego Deum precor ut te diligat. Et perfecta est huius libri translatio 17 die mensis Martii, id est dies mensis Giemedi secundum, anno Arabum 530.2. Explicit Centiloquium Ptholomei’ (added by the same early modern hand that copied the table of contents f. 1r: ‘cum commento Haly Heben Rodan’).

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (tr. Plato of Tivoli) (C.3.1.1)

, v. 50-100, beginning gone due to missing folia. No glosses.