Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 2228

s. XV2 (1470 or 1471, cf. colophon).


Ferrara, copied by one Johannes Carpensis (cf. colophon).

Paper, 121 f., a single hand, deluxe MS richly decorated on f. 1r, painted initials f. 16r, 30r, 52r, 78r, 90v.

Astronomy: Giovanni Bianchini, Canones tabularum de eclipsibus luminarium (1r-16r); Ptolemaica (16r-51v and 78r-120r); Giovanni Bianchini, Canones tabularum de primo mobili (52r-78r). Blank: 120v-121v.

Bibl. Inventarium librorum Latinorum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Vaticanae (handwritten catalogue), IV, 27; L. Thorndike, ‘Giovanni Bianchini in Italian Manuscripts’, Scripta Mathematica 19 (1953), 5-17: 5-6; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, II, London-Leiden, 1977, 312.

16r–⁠51v, 78r–⁠120r

‘Tractatus primus de aritmetrica (!) per clarum virum Ioannem Blanchinum. Liber primus incipit. Aritmetrica (!) dico quod determinatur per numeros, et noto diffinitiones numerorum — cum quibus perficitur opus nutu Dei gloriosi. Finis operis huius die quarto Decembris 1470 [the last digit is uncertain, the date seems to have been corrected, perhaps into 1471] per me Ioannem Carpensem, Ferrarie civem, et laus Deo, Iesu optimo maximoque.’

= Giovanni Bianchini, Flores Almagesti (C.1.17)

. I, 16r-25v; II, 25v-29r; III, 29r-36r; IV, 36r-39v; V, 39v-51v; VI, 78r-92r; VII, 92r-114v; VIII, 114v-120r. A few marginal notes by the scribe.