Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. II.1.4º 77

s. XVex (horoscope of revolution for 1485, f. 52v).


Swabia. As demonstrated by Hilg, 471, several texts of this MS were copied on Vatican, BAV, Pal. lat. 1369 (see), a MS copied in southern Germany c. 1444 and which later belonged to Johannes Virdung of Hassfurt.


Maihingen, monastery of Maria Mai, in the 17th c. (see Hilg, 472).

Paper, 67 f., a single hand, except perhaps for f. 19r-22r and 50r-52v. Several folia are missing, at least before f. 2 and 24.

Astrology mainly: astrological notes in German (1r); Ptolemaica (2r-3v); Hermes, Centiloquium (4r-5v); medical recipe in German (6r); Capitula Almansoris (7r-9v); Bethen, Centiloquium, c. 1-69 (10r-10v); ‘Item dicendum quod cum Luna coniungitur Saturno ipsa est infortunata…’ (11r-11v); Gergis, De significatione septem planetarum in domibus (11v-12v); Jafar, De pluviis et ventis (12v-15v); Jafar, Liber imbrium (15v-18v); Pseudo-Pietro d’Abano, Annulorum experimenta, fragment (19r-20v); Thebit Bencora, De proprietatibus quarundam stellarum (21r-22r); ‘Prima mansio Lune Caput Arietis incipit in primo gradu Arietis et finit in 13o gradu eiusdem…’ (23r); Albumasar, Flores, last lines only (24r); Messahallah, Liber receptionis, preface and c. 1 (25r-25v); Thebit Bencora, De imaginibus (26r-28v); Zael, Liber temporum (28v-31v); Zael, De electionibus (31v-37v); Albumasar, Flores, excerpts ‘Iupiter cum prefuerit anno et fuerit dominus eius…’ (38r-39v); alchemical recipe in German (40v); list of 12 astronomical and astrological works (41r); Arnold of Villanova, Introductorium ad iudicia astrologie quantum pertinet ad medicinam (42r-47r); collection of excerpts on elections from Pseudo-John of Seville’s Epitome totius astrologie, Zael’s De electionibus and Haly Abenragel’s De iudiciis astrorum (47r-49r); excerpts from Leopold of Austria’s De astrorum scientia (50r-50v); judgement on a nativity (51r-52v), with a revolution horoscope for 1485 (52v); ‘Ptholomeus: Locus Lune in ipsa nativitate est gradus ascendens de circulo hora casus spermatis…’ (53r); astronomy ‘Differentiam centri differentis solaris a centro terre…’ (54r-54v); Messahallah, Liber receptionis, c. 10 ‘Cum volueris scire vitam nati iussu Dei, si natus fuerit in die incipe a Sole…’ (55r-56v); ‘Nota de electione. Item electio: In omni re quam voleris est aptari ascendens…’ (57r); Messahallah, De revolutionibus annorum mundi (58r-64v). Blank: 1v, 6v, 22v, 23v, 24v, 40r, 41v, 49v, 53v, 57v, 65-67.

Bibl. H. Hilg, Lateinische mittelalterliche Handschriften in Quarto der Universitätsbibliothek Augsburg. Die Signaturengruppen Cod. I.2.4º und Cod. II.1.4º, Wiesbaden, 2007, 471-481.


‘… maior fortuna in nativitate est ex stellis fixis et angulis alkire et dustoria — si vero fuerit immobilis erit proditor ex aliqua civitate eiusdem climatis.’

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (tr. Plato of Tivoli) (C.3.1.1)

, v. 46-100, without the commentary. The beginning of the text is gone due to missing folia. No glosses.