Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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London, British Library, Royal 12.E.XXV

s. XIIIex-XIVin.




Merton College, Oxford, in the 14th c. (cf. catalogue of 1360 and erased note f. 2r: ‘Liber scolarium de Merton in Oxonia ex legato magistri Ricardi De Camsel…’); ‘Richard Philyp’, 15th-c. hand (f. 1r); Tattershall College (Lincolnshire); Old Royal Library; presented by George II to the British Museum in 1757.

Parchment, 184 f., one main hand.

Philosophical and scientific texts: table of contents, added (1r); collection of texts and fragments of philosophy and physics (2r-141v); treatise on the quadrant (142r-145r); Tractatus chylindri (145v-147r); short text of arithmetic (147v-148v); tables and texts of astronomy and mathematics (149r-151v); Robertus Anglicus, Quadrans vetus (152r-156r); Albumasar, Flores, second part (156v-160r); Hermes, Liber de quindecim stellis (160v-164r); spheres of life and death (164v-165v); ‘Cum fuerit Luna in Capite vel in Cauda Draconis in uno signo…’ (165v); table: elections from the aspects of the Moon with the other planets (166r); Robert Grosseteste (?), De impressionibus aeris (166v-169v); Hermann of Carinthia, Liber imbrium (170r-172r); Ptolemaica (172r); Raymond of Marseille, Liber iudiciorum, reworking known as ‘Leicester Iudicia’ (172r-176v); Theorica planetarum Gerardi (177r-181r). Blank: 1v, 181v.

Bibl. G. F. Warner, J. P. Gilson, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Old Royal and King’s Collections, II: Royal MSS 12 A.I to 20 E.X and App. 1-89, London, 1921, 59-61; Aristoteles Latinus. Codices, I.1: G. Lacombe, Pars prior, Roma, 1939, 386 (no. 313); H. F. Dondaine, H. V. Shooner, Codices manuscripti operum Thomae de Aquino, II, Roma, 1973, 244-246; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, IV, London-Leiden, 1989, 196; Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries, III: P. Robinson, Aberdeen-York, Turnhout, 2020, 168-171.


‘Tholomeus dixit quod stelle cum caudis sunt 9, prima veru — in regibus et princibus apparebit. Et hec de cometis breviter distinximus. Explicit.’