Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Mixt. 1084
23 Rabīʿ al-awwal 1288/10 August 1871 (211r).
Or.:unknown, probably Turkey (the scribe also copied works in Ottoman Turkish in MSS
no statements of ownership or seals. According to the catalogue, this manuscript was bought in Istanbul in 1929 by Oskar Rescher (d. 1972).
Cod.: European brown paper, 211 ff. (foliated with small Hindu-Arabic numerals in red just left above the textbody on rectos; foliation of versos (with a ‘v‘ added) with Arabic-European numerals in pencil at the right bottom; catchwords). A single clear black naskh hand. Ductus consistently dotted; substantial lām-alif muḥaqqaqa and yāʾ rājiʿa; substantial shaddas and frequent hamzas; no vowels. Numerals mostly in abjad notation overlined in red or in blue; occasional Hindu-Arabic numerals mostly in red. Book headings in red; chapter headings in red introduced by abjad numerals in red; words introducing new sections or paragraphs in red; numerous proper names in red. Substantial diagrams with lines in red and blue and geometrical points in red and blue. Minor tables with lines in blue and headings in red and black. Dimensions: 247×163 mm, written area: 180×85 mm; 23 lines per page. Codex in excellent condition; no moisture stains, significant wear to the covers. Original brown leather covers with rhomboidal silver decoration. Type II binding.
Cont.: astronomy. —
Bibl.: Helene Loebenstein, Katalog der arabischen Handschriften der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Neuerwerbungen 1868–1968. Teil 1: Codices mixti ab Nr. 744, Wien: Hollinek, 1970, p. 176 (no. 2362); LAMTMª José Parra, ‘A List of Arabic Manuscripts of Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī’s Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī’, Suhayl 16–17 (2018–2019), pp. 251–322, p. 309 (no. 125). —
\1v\ أحمد الله مبدأ كلّ مبدأ وغاية كلّ غاية ومفيض كلّ خير ووليّ كلّ هداية. وأرجو حسن توفيقه في كلّ بداية ونهاية — \211r\ فلنختم الكتاب وأقول: وإذا وفّقني الله تعالى أيضًا لإتمام ما قصدته وإنجاز ما وعدته، فلأقطع الكلام حامدًا له آلائه ومصلّيًا على جميع أوليائه، خصوصًا على خاتم الأنبيائه، والبررة من آله وأحبّائه. = Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī (C.1.18)
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