Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Göttingen, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Philos. 62c

s. XV2 (in or after 1451 for f. 214r-214v; in or after 1454 for f. 1r-64r).


probably the University of Cologne, cf. f. 214r-214v. Gerardus Hoefmans’s tables were also completed in Cologne in 1454 (cf. f. 64r: ‘Et sic est finis tabularum resolutarum facilimarum de veris ac mediis motibus planetarum in studio Colon<iensis> per magistrum arcium et medicine doctoris Gerardi Hoefmans de Hamont scriptarum et finitorum (!) anno domini 1454 incomplete…’) and Johannes de Wesalia (f. 224r-235v) had studied medicine in Cologne before 1427.

Paper, 235 f., several hands, one of which copied f. 200r-213v and 216r-223r.

Astronomy and astrology: Gerardus Hoefmans de Hamont, Tabule de mediis motibus planetarum super meridianum Pragensem (1r-64r), with canons ‘Motum augium et stellarum fixarum, motum accessus et recessus…’ (66ra-72vb); ascension tables (73r-74v); Ptolemy, Geographia, Books II-III (81ra-96ra); Alfonsine star catalogue (97r-115r); ‘Compositio novi kalendarii de motu inequali. Adest intellectus et canon tabule introituum Solis in duodecim signis…’ (116r-119va); John of Eschenden, Summa iudicialis de accidentibus mundi (128r-198r); ‘Amphorismi astronomici. Radix revolutionis et iudicii anni est coniunctio luminarium…’ (200r-209v); Johannes Ganivetus, Celi enarrant gloriam Dei…, excerpts ‘Celi enarrant gloriam Dei. Triplici via et modo mirabili…’ (210r-210v); four horoscopes concerning a nativity of 31 october 1402 (212r-213v), including the revolution of that nativity for 1433 (212v); prognostication for 1451 for Cologne (214r-214v); three chapters ‘De radice navis. Prima radix iudicii navis… Pro uxore ducenda… De thesauro abscondito…’ (216r-217v); Alcabitius, Introductorius, excerpt from Book V (218r-220r); ‘De partibus iudicandi. Nota quod quelibet pars extrahitur ex duobus significatoribus…’ (220v); Ptolemaica (221r-222v); Thebit Bencora (?), De quantitate stellarum et planetarum et proportione terre, excerpt (222v); Johannes Ganivetus, Celi enarrant gloriam Dei…, excerpt ‘Quantus erit error astrologi…’ (223r); list of some 25 astrological books with their incipit ‘Liber introductorius Abraham Avenhere qui dicitur Principium sapientie, incipit Cum initium sapientie timor…’ (223r-223v); scattered astronomical notes (223v); Johannes de Wesalia, prognostication for 1433 (224r-235v). Blank: 64v-65v, 75-80, 96v, 115v, 120-127, 198v-199v, 211, 215.

Bibl. I. Fischer, Die Handschriften der Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen: Neuzugänge 1894-1966, Wiesbaden, 1968, 33-37.


‘De farmaciis [title in red in the margin]. Propositio [in the margin]. Verbum 19. Luna cum Iove existente si quis purgatorium acceperit, abbreviabitur eius opus et effectus ipsius minuetur. Co<mmentum> Hali [in the margin]. Effectus medicine non est naturalis corpori — non ergo mireris si fuerit signum in facie.’

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (tr. Plato of Tivoli) (C.3.1.1)

, v. 19-21, 42, 12, 44-45, 57, 60, 5, 64, 98, 56, 54, 36, 69 and 74 (proposition and commentary). The text is sometimes summarised, paraphrased or interpolated. A longer note between v. 36 and 69 (f. 222r) gives the incipit of ten astrological works. No glosses, but a few marginal notes, mainly the titles.