Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 16659

s. XV (except for part III, dating from the first half of the 13th c.).


France (?).


part III belonged to Richard of Fournival, to Gerard of Abbeville (c. 1261) and to the college of Sorbonne (1272); part II was given to the college of Sorbonne by François Guillebon (d. 1534) and was bound together with part III in the 17th c. No information regarding origin or provenance of part I.

Parchment, 101 f. Composite MS made of three parts, each copied by a single hand: I, f. 1-2; II, f. 3-71; III, f. 72-101. The first part, which contains the Ptolemaic section, consists of two folia reused as binding, whose f. 1 is at present inaccessible for the most part (see below).

Ptolemaica (single text) (f. 1-2). The other parts of the MS contain Bartholomew of Parma’s Breviloquium de fructu totius astronomie (3r-67v) and Abraham Avenezra’s Liber de rationibus tabularum (72r-101r). F. 68-71 and 101v are blank.

Bibl. L. Delisle, Inventaire des manuscrits de la Sorbonne conservés à la Bibliothèque Impériale sous les numéros 15176-16718 du fonds latin, Paris, 1870, 73; L. Delisle, Le cabinet des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale, II, Paris, 1874, 148 and III, Paris, 1881, 68; L. Thorndike, ‘Notes on Some Astronomical, Astrological and Mathematical Manuscripts of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 20 (1957), 112-172: 155-160; R. H. Rouse, ‘Manuscripts Belonging to Richard de Fournival’, Revue d’Histoire des Textes 3 (1973), 253-269: 257; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, III, London-Leiden, 1983, 265; D. Juste, Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Latinorum, II: Les manuscrits astrologiques latins conservés à la Bibliothèque nationale de France à Paris, Paris, 2015, 243-244; L. Miolo, Le fonds scientifique d’un collège de théologie: le cas de la bibliothèque de Sorbonne 1257-1500, PhD dissertation, Université Lumières Lyon 2, 2017, II, 171-173. My thanks to William Duba who identified the Ptolemaic text and called my attention to it.


‘…t contra suos <parentes et dicet turpia et> mala dicta <et si fuerit infirmitas que est> serementum (?) <demonum, que est propter magnam> humiditatem <vincentem in cerebro, faciet eos> angustos et <stultitias, facient discohopertas,> insultabunt <in hominem et percutient et tal>es res facient — quas habet hec pars anime est id quod pertinet ad sapores corporis. <E>t diversitates, que proprie accidunt in parte…’

= Haly Abenrudian, Glosa super Quadripartito Tholomei (C.2.2)

, fragment from III.15. F. 1 was glued on the inner front cover, making the text on the recto inaccessible, and a sheet of paper of smaller size (containing a brief description of the MS in a 19th-c. hand) was glued on the verso, making about two thirds of it inaccessible. The last sentence (‘Et diversitates…’) repeats the beginning of Ptolemy’s lemma from the previous paragraph, a paragraph which was crossed out by the scribe, who added in the margin ‘vacat’. No glosses.