Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Nürnberg, Georgius Wachter, 1530

Title page:

‘De medicis et infirmis collectanea in ordinem centiloquii congesta. Authore Hieronymo Mamfredo clariss<imo> philosopho, medico, astrologo. Insuper in vigintiocto mansiones Lunae deque impedimentis eiusdem generalibus Ioannis Schöneri mathematici collectanea. M.D.XXX.

Last page:

‘Impressum Nurembergae sumptu Georgii Vuachter, anno M.D.XXX, mense Martio.’

Astrology: Johannes Schöner, dedicatory letter to Ioannes Schütz (A2r-A3r); poem (A3r-A3v); Girolamo Manfredi, Centiloquium de infirmis et medicis (A4r-C2v); Johannes Schöner, In Lunae observationem collectanea (C3r-C5r); Ptolemaica (C5v-[C7]r).

Bibl. VD16 M 565

Exemplar Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Med.g. 298


‘Ioannis Ioviani Pontani in verbum LX ac LXI Centiloquii Ptolemei de criticis diebus et Lunae motus observatione expositio. Ptolemaeus. LX verbo. Super aegrotis criticos dies inspice ac Lunae peragrationem in angulis figurae… Pontanus. Qui sint dies critici non medicis solum — nunc tenuiter extenuando naturaliter moveatur. Finis.’