Dr. Pouyan Rezvani
General Information
Pouyan Rezvani (Persian: پویان رضوانی) is an Iranian postdoctoral researcher at the project “PAL” (Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus) hosted by the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich, Germany; since 1 April 2019. His main focus in this project is on a medieval Arabic translation of Ptolemy՚s Almagest, made by Isḥāq ibn Ḥunayn and later revised by Thābit ibn Qurra in the 9th century A.D., to make a critical edition of the text. He also has been collaborating with the project Terra-Astronomy (from celestial signs to celestial sciences; https://www.astro.uni-jena.de/index.php/terra-astronomy.html), Astrophysical Institute and University Observatory, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany, since 2023.
Short Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D.: Utrecht University, Mathematics Institute, GS-Natural Sciences, 2019. Dissertation: “Two Treatises on the Astrolabe by Abū Rayḥān Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Bīrūnī (973-1048 A.D.)”. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Jan P. Hogendijk.
M.A.: University of Tehran, Institute for the History of Science, Astronomy in Islamic Civilization, 2011. Thesis: “Theoretical Foundations of Sundials in Islamic Civilization with Persian Translation and Commentary on Ibn al-Haytham’s Risāla fī al-Rukhāmāt al-Ufuqīyya (Treatise on Horizontal Sundials)”. Advisor: Dr. Mohammad Bagheri.
B.Sc.: University of Arak, Faculty of Science, Physics, 2009.
Selected Publications
• Book: Two Treatises on the Astrolabe by Abū Rayḥān Bīrūnī (d. ca.1050), Editions, Translations and Commentary, Frankfurt am Main: Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, 2020, 496 pp. (Islamic Mathematics and Astronomy 115), ISBN 3-8298-4125-2.
• Introduction to Facsimile Edition: Three Treatises by Thābit ibn Qurra (Sundials, Solar and Lunar Motions, a Fourteen-Sided Solid Inscribed in a Given Sphere), a Facsimile Edition of the Manuscript, Persian Introduction by Pouyan Rezvani, Miras-e Maktoob (written heritage) Publications with the Collaboration of Institute for the History of Science (University of Tehran), Tehran, 2014.
• “Du Resāleh dar Usṭurlāb az Abū Rayḥān Bīrūnī” (Two Treatises on the Astrolabe by Abū al-Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī), Journal for the History of Science, University of Tehran, vol. 18, issue 2, Summer and Autumn 2020, pp. 419-446 (Persian);
• “Tarjume-ye Farsi wa Sharḥ-e Risala fī al-Rukhāmāt al-Ufuqiyya az Ibn Haytham” (Persian Translation of Ibn al-Haythamʼs Treatise on Horizontal Sundials with Commentary), Miras-e Elmi-ye Eslam va Iran, vol. 5, no. 2, Tehran, 2016-2017, pp. 141-177;
• “Chronology of the Events of the Samarqand “Observatory and School” Based on some Old Persian Texts: a Revision” (jointly with Hamid-Reza Giahi Yazdi as the first author), Suhayl (International Journal for the History of Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation), vol. 14, Barcelona, 2015, pp. 145-165;
• “Two Early Persian Texts on Shadow Schemes and the Regulation of Prayer Times”, Suhayl (International Journal for the History of Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation), vol. 13, Barcelona, 2014, pp. 119-147;