Istanbul, Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi, Murad Buhari 234
Or.:unknown; unknown scribe.
Prov.:a smudged octagonal seal including the name ‘Muṣṭafā’ (1r). Old shelfmark ‘263’ (front flyleaf, 1r).
Cod.: yellowish paper, 100 ff. (foliated with Hindu-Arabic numerals in pencil; catchwords). A slightly irregular black naskh hand; fully dotted ductus with occasional diacritics. Red ink for titles, chapter beginnings and textual dividers. Some tables and magical shapes, including celestial letters and long sequences of Hindu-Arabic numerals, in black and red. Codex in good condition; some moisture stains, smudges (in particular, a large one in the outer margin of f. 48v), damage by insects, at least one folio lost at the end of the manuscript. Dimensions: 160×100 mm; written area: 100×60 mm; 19 lines per page. Marbled cardboard covers with black leather quarter binding. Type III binding.
Cont.: astrology. —
\1v\ نبتدئ بعون الله تعالى نكتب طوالع البروج وهو شرح بطليموس الحكيم وبلعام العرّاف ابن قاغوز الفلكيّ ومن هذا نعرف مزاج الإنسان من الحارّ (كذا) والهوائيّ والمائيّ والترابيّ — \57v\ وزحل ترابيّ دلو وزحل هوائيّ حوت المشتري مائيّ تمّت البروج الاثنا عشر = Pseudo-Ptolemy and Balaam, Kitāb Ṭawāliʿ al-burūj (B.2.2)
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