Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, hébr. 1102
undated, possibly 5088 Anno Mundi/1327 (Zotenberg).
Or.:unknown; unknown scribe.
Prov.:a handwritten Latin note introducing the treatise as a work on astrology in Judaeo-Arabic (front doublure). A handwritten Latin note on the contents of the manuscript listing four different works, accompanied by ‘cod 249’ (Vv). Handwritten Latin note ‘12 Quaedam opera Hebraica’ (Iav). Illegible notes in Castilian accompanying two of the three diagrams in the manuscript (13v, 16r). Old shelfmarks ‘145/p.106’ (Ir), ‘DXLIV’, ‘586’ and ‘Heb. 433’ (1r); stamp of the ‘Bibliotheca Regia’ (1r, 129v).
Cod.: paper, V+130+IIIa ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals in pen; a foliation per work in reverse order at the bottom of versos, with the works labelled by the letters B to F; a few catchwords). A single brown Sephardic hand without any use of other colours in the text; rarely dotted ductus, with a continuous use of dots for ג֗ and צ֗. Textual dividers in the form of three dots, occasionally followed by one, two, three, or four successive floral motifs, and phi-shaped symbols at the beginning and end of the Ptolemaic work. Headings and entries of tables mainly in the same colour as the text, occasionally in gold, red or purple. Two diagrams of instruments in the same hand as the text with lines and points in brown (13v); a diagram of an unidentified object (16r). Codex in good condition; some leaves restored, especially at the beginning and end of the manuscript; occasional damage by insects (e.g., ff. 99–102), moisture stains not affecting the readability of the text. Dimensions: 240×145 mm; 21–24 lines per page (misṭara imprints visible, e.g., on ff. 13r, 14r, 15r). Dark brown leather cover; front cover with a central golden medallion and fleur-de-lis motif, frame with three fillets including blind-stamped decorations between the two inner fillets; back cover with central blind-stamped medallion and fleur-de-lis motif, and golden decorations between the two inner fillets; blind and golden stamped fleur-de-lis motif on the spine; gilded edges. Type III binding.
Cont.: astronomy. —
Bibl.: Hermann Zotenberg, Catalogues des manuscrits hébreux et samaritains de la Bibliothèque Impériale, Paris: Imprimerie impériale, 1866, p. 203; Ernest Quentin-Bauchart, La bibliothèque de Fontainebleau et les livres des derniers Valois à la Bibliothèque nationale (1515-1589), Paris: Paul, 1891, p. 93 (no. 75); Georges Vajda, review of Francis J. Carmody, Arabic Astronomical and Astrological Sciences in Latin Translation. A Critical Bibliography, Journal Asiatique 244 (1956), pp. 460–463, here p. 463; Richard P. Lorch, ‘The Astronomy of Jābir ibn Aflah’, Centaurus 19 (1975), pp. 85–107, here p. 88; Delio Vania Proverbio, ‘Manoscritti scientifici giudeo-arabi (praeter lexica) nella serie dei codici vaticani ebraici’, Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae 8 (2001), pp. 351–405, here pp. 399–404; María José Parra Pérez, ‘A Previously Unnoticed Appendix in the Iṣlāḥ al-Majisṭī by Jābir ibn Aflaḥ’, Suhayl 15 (2016–2017), pp. 113–128, here p. 117. —
\12r\ באב מערפה עמל אלאלה אלתי אוג֗דהא ג֗אבר בן אפלח אלאשבילי. קאל וקד יקע אלאסתגנא ען ג֗מיע אלאלאת אלמדכורה פי הדא אלכתאב באלה ואחדה תשתמל עלי חלקה ואחדה ורבע אכרי ומסטרה פיהא {…} עלי מא אצף — \16r\ בין וסט אלתקב אלדי ילי אלכוכב מן אלתקבין אלדין פי אלחלקה אלצגירה ובין אלכט אלדי הו קטר פלך אלברוג֗ אלמאר במוצ֗ע אלכוכב מנה. \12r\ باب معرفة عمل الآلة التي أوجدها جابر بن أفلح الإشبيليّ. قال وقد يقع الاستغناء عن جميع الآلات المذكورة في هذا الكتاب بآلة واحدة تشتمل على حلقة واحدة وربع أخرى ومسطرة فيها {…} على ما أصف — \16r\ بين وسط الثقب الذي يلي الكوكب من الثقبين الذين في الحلقة الصغيرة وبين الخطّ الذي هو قطر فلك البروج المارّ بموضع الكوكب منه. = Jābir ibn Aflaḥ, al-Kitāb fī l-Hayʾa (C.1.14)
, Judaeo-Arabic. — |