Work C.1.14
Jābir ibn Aflaḥ
الكتاب في الهيئة
al-Kitāb fī l-Hayʾa
Alternative titles: Iṣlāḥ al-Majisṭī, Kitāb al-Ḥayʾa, Hayʾa Ibn Aflaḥ, al-Istikmāl li-Jābir b. Aflaḥ fī l-hayʾa (Ibn al-Qifṭī).
A re-edition of the Almagest in nine books, written mainly for didactic purposes, which was highly influential both in the Arabic world and in the Latin Middle Ages and the Renaissance. It has mostly been referred to in the literature under the title Iṣlāḥ al-Majisṭī (’Correction of the Almagest’), which appears only on the title page of MS Berlin, SBPK, Landberg 132. However, Bellver (‘The Arabic Versions’, pp. 183–184) has argued that al-Kitāb fī l-Hayʾa, found in the manuscripts closest to the author’s time, is a more plausible original title. Most of our knowledge on this work and its author stems from the PhD dissertations and follow-up publications by Richard P. Lorch and José Bellver. Abū Muḥammad Jābir b. Aflaḥ al-Ishbīlī (in Latin: Geber) flourished in the early sixth/twelfth century in Seville. He was mentioned in Ibn Rushd’s (Averroes, 1126–1198) own compendium of the Almagest (only extant in Hebrew) and in the Guide of the Perplexed of Mūsā b. Maymūn (Maimonides, d. 1204), who states that he had met Jābir ibn Aflaḥ’s son. The al-Kitāb fī l-Hayʾa is extant in seven Arabic manuscripts, of which three are written with Hebrew characters and one contains only a fragment. A summary of the work by Quṭb al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī (C.1.23, written in Maragha around
Content: Preface; Book I: trigonometry; II: philosophical considerations and spherical astronomy; III: Sun; IV: Moon; V: new observational instrument, parallax, eclipses; VI: fixed stars; VII: planetary longitudes; VIII: stations and retrogradations; IX: planetary latitudes and heliacal risings and settings. The al-Kitāb fī l-Hayʾa covers the entire contents of the Almagest in a form that was easier to access than the original work for students and general readers in sixth/twelfth-century al-Andalus. Jābir ibn Aflaḥ was primarily interested in theoretical aspects of Ptolemy’s planetary models and omitted the observational data and numerical examples and all the tables. At the end of the preface, Jābir outlines in rather strong terms fifteen ‘mistakes’ (awhām) by Ptolemy that he intends to address explicitly, but he also provides improvements of many other points in the text (see Bellver, ‘On Jābir ibn Aflaḥ’s Criticisms’). One of the most commonly quoted criticisms concerns Ptolemy’s argument why the orbits of Venus and Mercury lie below the Sun rather than above (see Lorch, ‘The Astronomy’, pp. 97–98).
The first book of the al-Kitāb fī l-Hayʾa systematically sets up the trigonometrical theorems that are used throughout the work; here Jābir ibn Aflaḥ follows Ptolemy in using chords rather than sines and tangents. In the second book he develops his spherical astronomy, in which he replaces Ptolemy’s cumbersome use of the Theorem of Menelaos (i.e., the ‘sector figure’, which considers a complete spherical quadrilateral and proportions between six quantities) with the newly developed Islamic theorems that make use of sines and triangles, such as the Sine Rule and the Rule of Four Quantities (see Lorch, ‘Jābir b. Aflaḥ and the Establishment’). The torquetum-like instrument that Jābir introduces in Book V is said to replace all four measuring instruments described by Ptolemy.
All Arabic manuscripts omit the sections on the Milky Way and the solid sphere (corresponding to Almagest VII.4–VIII.4 and largely taken verbatim from the Isḥāq-Thābit version, A.1.2), which are present in the Latin and Hebrew translations. However, since their largest part is included as an appendix in MS Escorial, RBMSL, ár. 930 with a reference to the place in the main text where they belong (cf. Parra), it can be concluded that they were part of the Arabic tradition as well. Various differences between the two Escorial manuscripts and the Berlin one, especially in Book I, indicate that the al-Kitāb fī l-Hayʾa was disseminated in different versions, most likely all stemming from Jābir b. Aflaḥ himself (see Lorch, ‘The Astronomy’, pp. 88–90, and Bellver, ‘The Arabic Versions’).
Translations: The al-Kitāb fī l-Hayʾa was translated into Latin by Gerard of Cremona in the second half of the twelfth century (Latin C.1.2). This Latin version, known as Liber super Almagesti, is extant in more than 30 manuscripts and was printed by Johannes Petreius in Nuremberg in 1534. Remarkably, the description of Jābir’s instrument is very different in the Latin version. Two Hebrew translations were prepared by Moses ibn Tibbon (1274) and his nephew Jacob ben Machir (Prophatius Judaeus, 1236–1304), and the latter was revised by Samuel ben Jehuda of Marseille in 1335.
Text: [Escorial, RBMSL, ár. 930]
Bibl.: Ibn al-Qifṭī, Taʾrīkh al-ḥukamāʾ (ed. LippertAugust Müller and Julius Lippert, Ibn al-Qifṭī’s Ta’rīḫ al-ḥukamā’, Leipzig: Dieterich, 1903, p. 319:11–13 (entry on Maimonides) and p. 393:1–2 (entry on Joseph ben Judah); see also Salomon Munk, ‘Notice. Sur Joseph ben-Iehouda ou Aboul’hadjâdj Yousouf ben-Ya’hya al-Sabti al-Maghrebi, disciple de Maïmonide’, Journal Asiatique Troisième série 14 (1842), pp. 5–70, here pp. 12/14–15); Hājjī Khalīfa, Kashf al-ẓunūn (ed. FlügelGustav Flügel, Kashf al-ẓunūn ʿan asāmī al-kutub wa-l-funūn. Lexicon bibliographicum et encyclopaedicum a Mustafa ben Abdallah Katib Jelebi dicto et nomine Haji Khalifa celebrato compositum, 7 vols, Leipzig: Bentley / London: Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland, 1835–1858, vol. V, pp. 387–388 (incipit, under al-Majisṭī), and vol. VI, p. 506 (no. 14,435, only the title); ed. YaltkayaŞerefettin Yaltkaya and Kilisli Rifat Bilge, Kashf al-ẓunūn ʿan asāmī l-kutub wa-l-funūn li-... Ḥajji Khalīfa ..., 2 vols, Istanbul: Maarif Matbaası, 1941–1943, vol. II, cols 1595 and 2047). — J. B. J. Delambre, Histoire de l’astronomie du Moyen Age, Paris: Courcier, 1819, pp. 179–185; Moritz Steinschneider, Zur Pseudepigraphischen Literatur insbesondere der geheimen Wissenschaften des Mittelalters. Aus hebräischen und arabischen Quellen, Berlin: Asher, 1862, pp. 70–73; Moritz Steinschneider, Die hebraeischen Uebersetzungen des Mittelalters und die Juden als Dolmetscher, Berlin: Kommissionsverlag des Bibliographischen Bureaus, 1893, Abschnitt II, pp. 543–544; SuterHeinrich Suter, Die Mathematiker und Astronomen der Araber und ihre Werke, Leipzig: Teubner, 1900, pp. 119–120 (NachträgeHeinrich Suter, ‘Nachträge und Berichtigungen zu „Die Mathematiker und Astronomen der Araber und ihre Werke“’, Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluß ihrer Anwendungen 14 (1902), pp. 157–185, p. 174); EI¹M. Th. Houtsma, T. W. Arnold, R. Basset and R. Hartmann, Enzyklopaedie des Islam. Geographisches, ethnographisches und biographisches Wörterbuch der muhammedanischen Völker, 4 vols, Leiden and Leipzig: Brill and Harrassowitz, 1913–1936 and EI²P. J. Bearman et al. (eds), The Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition, 11 vols plus supplement and index, Leiden: Brill, 1960–2004 article ‘Djābir b. Aflaḥ’ by Heinrich Suter; Richard P. Lorch, Jābir ibn Aflaḥ and his Influence in the West, PhD dissertation, University of Manchester, 1970; DSBCharles C. Gillispie (ed.), Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 14 vols plus 2 supplementary vols, New York: Scribner’s Sons, 1970–1990 article ‘Jābir Ibn Aflah Al-Ishbīlī, Abū Muḥammad’ by Richard P. Lorch; Richard P. Lorch, ‘The Astronomy of Jābir ibn Aflah’, Centaurus 19 (1975), pp. 85–107; Richard P. Lorch, ‘The Astronomical Instruments of Jābir ibn Aflah and the Torquetum’, Centaurus 20 (1976), pp. 11–34; LMRobert-Henri Bautier et al. (eds), Lexikon des Mittelalters, 9 Bde. plus Registerband, München: Artemis / Lexma, 1980–1999 article ‘Gabir ibn Aflah’ by Julio Samsó; Noel M. Swerdlow, ‘Jābir ibn Aflaḥ’s Interesting Method for Finding the Eccentricities and Direction of the Apsidal Line of a Superior Planet’, in David A. King and George Saliba (eds), From Deferent to Equant: A Volume of Studies in the History of Science in the Ancient and Medieval Near East in Honor of E.S. Kennedy, New York: The New York Academy of Sciences, 1987, pp. 501–512; Henri Hugonnard-Roche, ‘La théorie astronomique selon Jabir ibn Aflah’, in Govind Swarup, Amulya Kumar Bag and Kripa S. Shukla (eds), History of Oriental Astronomy. Proceedings of an International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 91. New Delhi, India. 13-16 November 1985, Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 207–208; Richard P. Lorch, ‘The Manuscripts of Jābir b. Aflaḥ’s Treatise’, in Id., Arabic Mathematical Sciences. Instruments, Texts, Transmission, Aldershot / Brookfield: Variorum, 1995, ch. VII, 2 pp.; Richard P. Lorch, ‘Jābir ibn Aflaḥ and the Establishment of Trigonometry in the West’, in Id., Arabic Mathematical Sciences. Instruments, Texts, Transmission, Aldershot / Brookfield: Variorum, 1995, ch. VIII, 42 pp.; ENWCHelaine Selin (ed.), Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1997 article ‘Jābir Ibn Aflaḥ’ by Richard P. Lorch; Julio Samsó, ‘Ibn al-Haytham and Jābir b. Aflaḥ’s Criticism of Ptolemy’s Determination of the Parameters of Mercury’, Suhayl 2 (2001), pp. 199–225; MAOSICBoris A. Rosenfeld and Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, Mathematicians, Astronomers, and other Scholars of Islamic Civilization and their Works (7th–19th c.), Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA), 2003, p. 176 (no. 448, A1); José Bellver, ‘Jābir b. Aflaḥ on the Four-Eclipse Method for Finding the Lunar Period in Anomaly’, Suhayl 6 (2006), pp. 159–248; BEAThomas Hockey (ed.), The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, 2 vols, Dordrecht: Springer, 2007 article ‘Jābir ibn Aflaḥ’ by Emilia Calvo; José Bellver, Críticas a Ptolomeo en el s. XII: El caso del Iṣlāḥ al-Maŷisṭī de Ŷābir b. Aflaḥ, PhD dissertation, Universitat de Barcelona, 2007; José Bellver, ‘Ŷābir b. Aflaḥ en torno a la inclinación de los eclipses en el horizonte’, Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences 57 (2007), pp. 3–23; José Bellver, ‘On Jābir b. Aflaḥ’s Criticisms of Ptolemy’s Almagest’, in Emilia Calvo, Mercè Comes, Roser Puig and Mònica Rius (eds), A Shared Legacy. Islamic Science East and West. Homage to Professor J. M. Millàs Vallicrosa, Barcelona: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2008, pp. 181–189; José Bellver, ‘Jābir b. Aflaḥ on Lunar Eclipses’, Suhayl 8 (2008), pp. 47–91; José Bellver, ‘Jābir b. Aflaḥ on the Lunar Eccentricity and Prosneusis at Syzygies’, Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften 18 (2008–2009), pp. 213–239; José Bellver, ‘El lugar del Iṣlāḥ al-Maŷisṭī de Ŷābir b. Aflaḥ en la llamada «Rebelión andalusí contra la astronomía ptolemaica»’, al-Qanṭara 30 (2009), pp. 83–136; José Bellver, ‘Jābir b. Aflaḥ on the Limits of Solar and Lunar Eclipses’, SCIAMVS 12 (2011), pp. 3–27; José Bellver, ‘Ŷābir b. Aflaḥ en la leyenda de Sevilla’, Archivo Hispalense 288–290 (2012), pp. 41–53; Henry Zepeda, The Medieval Latin Transmission of the Menelaus Theorem, PhD dissertation, University of Oklahoma, 2013, pp. 105–128; María José Parra Pérez, ‘A Previously Unnoticed Appendix in the Iṣlāḥ al-Majisṭī by Jābir ibn Aflaḥ’, Suhayl 15 (2016–2017), pp. 113–128; José Bellver, ‘The Arabic Versions of Jābir b. Aflaḥ’s al-Kitāb fī l-Hayʾa’, in David Juste, Benno van Dalen, Dag Nikolaus Hasse and Charles Burnett (eds), Ptolemy’s Science of the Stars in the Middle Ages, Turnhout: Brepols, 2020, pp. 181–199; J. Lennart Berggren, ‘What Every Young Astronomer Needs to Know about Spherical Astronomy: Jābir ibn Aflaḥ’s “Preliminaries” to his Improvement of the Almagest’, in Alexander Jones and Christián Carman (eds), Instruments – Observations – Theories. Studies in the History of Early Astronomy in Honor of James Evans, 2020, pp. 239–259; Y. Tzvi Langermann, ‘Revamping Ptolemy’s Proof for the Sphericity of the Heavens: Three Arabic Commentaries on Almagest I.3’, in David Juste, Benno van Dalen, Dag Nikolaus Hasse and Charles Burnett (eds), Ptolemy’s Science of the Stars in the Middle Ages, Turnhout: Brepols, 2020, pp. 159–180, here pp. 167–172; Julio Samsó, On Both Sides of the Strait of Gibraltar. Studies in the History of Medieval Astronomy in the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghrib, Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2020, pp. 492–495 and 508–516; EI³Kate Fleet, Gudrun Krämer, Denis Matringe, John Nawas and Everett Rowson, Encyclopaedia of Islam Three, 51 fascicules up to 2019, Leiden: Brill, 2007– article ‘Jābir b. Aflaḥ’ by Julio Samsó; Sajjad Nikfahm-Khubravan, The Reception of Ptolemy’s Latitude Theories in Islamic Astronomy, PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2022, pp. 655–668.
Ed.: A selection of chapters has been edited, translated and commented upon in Bellver, Críticas and several articles by Bellver.