Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud. Misc. 644

s. XIII2 (copied between 1268 and 1277, cf. f. 2r-7v and 14r, and perhaps precisely in 1273-1274, cf. Watson; note by the scribe listing the roots of the planets for 1277 ‘perfecto’, f. 176va).


France (?), perhaps diocese of Bayeux (cf. f. 2r-7v) or Paris (cf. f. 13r); mention of London and York f. 220r.


Charles of Orléans (d. 1465); ‘De Sauzay’ (f. 226v, 16th-c. hand).

Parchment, 227 f., a single hand or two similar hands, numerous painted initials.

Scientific texts, mainly astronomy, computus, astrology and arithmetic: two circular figures added by a 16th-c. hand, the first containing a short onomantic text ‘Si vis scire planetam tuum vel alicuius hominis, computa nomen suum…’ and the second the table of contents of the volume ‘In hoc libro continentur tabulae astronomicae…’ (1r); Pseudo-Robert Grosseteste, Kalendarium, with martyrology for Bayeux prior to 1277 (2r-7v); ‘Incipit canon super chilindrum. Accepturus horas cum chilindro…’ (7v); Pseudo-Bede, De signis coeli (8ra-10vb); solar tables (11r-13v), including ‘Hac (!) tabula docet Solis declinationem in qualibet die anni in civitate Parisius’ (13r); Tabula Gerlandi (14r-15r, with table f. 14r marked ‘hic’ for the years 1268-1295); Toledan tables with canons (16ra-101v); ‘Incipiunt demonstrationes canonum tabularum. Kardaga est portio circuli…’ (102ra-114rb); ‘Nota quod si aliquis numerus sit multiplicandus…’ (114rb-115vb); Theorica planetarum Gerardi (115vb-119vb); ‘Incipit de latitudinibus 5 planetarum. Orbes defferentes stellarum erraticarum…’ (119vb-120va); ‘Incipit tractatus de proportionibus et fractionibus. Si fuerint 4 numeri proportionales…’ (120va-123vb); riddle (123vb); ‘Incipit tractatus algorismi de fractionibus. Cum multos de numeris tractatus vidisses…’ (124ra-125ra); ‘Quicumque voluerit facere almanac…’ (125ra-125rb); canons of Toledan tables (125rb-127rb); ‘Quoniam dicitur a Boetio in principio arismetice…’ (127va-131ra); Boethius, De arithmetica, with comm. (131rb-139ra); Boethius, De musica, with comm. (139ra-142rb); Robert Grosseteste, De sphera (143ra-147va); Robert Grosseteste, Compotus (147vb-164r); Albumasar, Flores (165ra-175ra); Canones super tabulas Humeniz philosophi summi Egiptiorum (175ra-176va) and tables (177r-190r); table for computing the zodiacal position of the Moon, with canon (190v); Alfraganus, De scientia astrorum, tr. Gerard of Cremona (191ra-207rb); Robert Grosseteste, De lineis, angulis et figuris (207va-208vb); Robert Grosseteste, De natura locorum (208vb-210rb); Ptolemaica (210rb-210vb); Campanus of Novara, De quadrante (211ra-213rb); canons of astronomical tables ‘Quelibet pars aliquota totius fractio…’ (213rb-218vb); ‘Investigantibus nature chilindri compositionem…’ (219ra-220vb, with mention of London and York f. 220r); Roger of Hereford, De quatuor partibus iudiciorum astronomie (221ra-224ra); ‘Liber de fructibus planetarum. Cupientibus fructum planetarum primo scire oportet quis sit eorum ordo…’ (224ra-226ra); table: elections from the aspects of the Moon with the other planets (226r); ‘Cum planeta est sub alterius radiis…’ (226va-226vb, abrupt end at the bottom of f. 226vb); table: elections from the aspects of the Moon with the other planets (227v, 16th-c. hand). Blank: 1v, 15v, 142v, 164v, 227r.

Bibl. H. O. Coxe, Bodleian Library. Quarto Catalogues, II: Laudian Manuscripts, Oxford, 1858 (reprinted 1973), 465-468; F. Saxl, Verzeichnis astrologischer und mythologischer illustrierte Handschriften des Mittelalters, III (with H. Meier): Handschriften in Englischen Bibliotheken, London, 1953, 2 vols, I, 386-393; O. Pächt, J. J. G. Alexander, Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, I: German, Dutch, Flemish, French and Spanish Schools, Oxford, 1966, 41 (no. 529); A. G. Watson, Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts c. 435-1600 in Oxford Libraries, I, Oxford, 1984, 102 (no. 622); The Theory of Music, IV: C. Meyer, M. Huglo, N. C. Phillips, Manuscripts from the Carolingian Era up to c. 1500 in Great Britain and in the United States of America, München, 1992, 122-123; F. S. Pedersen, The Toledan Tables. A Review of the Manuscripts and the Textual Versions with an Edition, København, 2002, I, 147-148; G. Ouy, La librairie des frères captifs. Les manuscrits de Charles d’Orléans et Jean d’Angoulême, Turnhout, 2007, 97-98; D. Blume, M. Haffner, W. Metzger, Sternbilder des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. Der gemalte Himmel zwischen Wissenschaft und Phantasie, I: 800-1200, Berlin, 2012, 2 vols, I.1: Text und Katalog der Handschriften, 403-409; A. Lohr, C. P. E. Nothaft, Robert Grosseteste’s Compotus, Oxford, 2019, 35-36.


‘Hic est prohemium Ptolomei in Almagesti. Quidam princeps nomine Albuguafe in libro suo quem scientiarum electionem et verborum nominavit — que in uniuscuiusque earum principio dicam.’