Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Zurich, Zentralbibliothek, B 244

s. XVex (in or after 1489 for the Ptolemaic section, see below; f. 24-92 copied in 1490).


f. 24-92 copied by Johannes Och of Wimpfen (Baden-Württemberg) in St Gall (f. 92rb: ‘Finitum in profesto Sancti Galli per me Ioannem Och de Wimppinna anno domini MoCCCCLXXXXo’).


Christoph Klauser (16th c.), who added the table of contents f. Ir and copied f. 5r-7r and 89va-90v.

Paper, I+92 f. (new foliation in upper right corner, as in Mohlberg), four hands: I, f. 1r-4r; II [Christoph Klauser], f. 5r-7r and 89va-90v; III, f. 11r-19v; IV [Johannes Och], f. 24r-89va and 91r-92r. The MS has been damaged (apparently by water), making the top four or five lines of each page partly illegible in the first part (f. 1-19). Several folia are missing before f. 11.

Astrology: table of contents (Ir); Conrad Heingarter, Defensio astronomie (1r-4r); Gergis, De significatione septem planetarum in domibus (5r-7r); Ptolemaica (11r-19v); Abraham Avenezra, Principium sapientie, tr. Pietro d’Abano (24ra-44vb); Liber Arzachelis introductorius ad librum iudiciorum Arabum, attr. Ptolemy ‘Incipit Liber Ptholomei de Yspania qui dictus est Argerzi introductorius…’ (45ra-50vb); Abraham Avenezra, Liber rationum, tr. Pietro d’Abano (50vb-58rb); Abraham Avenezra, Liber nativitatum et revolutionum earum, tr. Pietro d’Abano (58va-69rb); Abraham Avenezra, De interrogationibus, tr. Pietro d’Abano (69va-73ra); Abraham Avenezra, De electionibus, tr. Pietro d’Abano (74va-76rb); Bethen, Centiloquium (76rb-78va); Abraham Avenezra, Liber luminarium, tr. Pietro d’Abano (78vb-80va); Abraham Avenezra, De mundo vel seculo, tr. Henry Bate of Mechelen (80va-87ra); Abraham Avenezra, Tractatus particulares, tr. Pietro d’Abano (87ra-92rb). Blank: Iv, 4v, 7v-10v, 20r-23v, 92v.

Bibl. L. C. Mohlberg, Katalog der Handschriften der Zentralbibliothek Zürich, I: Mittelalterliche Handschriften, Zürich, 1952, 10-11; M. Préaud, Les méthodes de travail d’un astrologue du XVe siècle, Conrad Heingarter, thèse de l’école nationale des Chartes, Paris, 1969, xxi; E. Gagliardi, L. Forrer, Katalog der Handschriften der Zentralbibliothek Zürich, II: Neuere Handschriften seit 1500, Zürich, 1982, col. 294-297; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, V, London-Leiden, 1990, 152; Katalog der datierten Handschriften in der Schweiz in lateinischer Schrift vom Anfang des Mittelalters bis 1550, III: M. von Scarpatetti, R. Gamper, M. Stähli, Die Handschriften der Bibliotheken St. Gallen-Zürich, Dietikon-Zürich, 1991, 171 (no. 470).


‘… [first five lines mostly illegible] duorum luminarium est res naturalis, tendens versus opus planete habentis participationem cum Sole… (11v) Primum quidem. Capitulum quintum in quo Pto<lomeus> docet cognoscere regiones per loca — nativitatibus et in hoc finitur volumen secundus.’

= Conrad Heingarter, Commentum Quadripartiti Ptholomei (C.2.10)

, II.4-13, in a shorter and somewhat modified version. Abrupt beginning due to missing folia. Example added for 1489 on f. 11r: ‘Nunc autem tempore Christi 1489 stant…’. The water damage has affected the top lines of each page of this section. No glosses.