Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 2056

s. XIII (13th-14th or 14th c. according to Heiberg, Haskins, Nogara and Manfredi, but this dating is contradicted by the added notes referring to the planetary positions for the years 1258 and 1290 (see below), as well as by the consistent use of Roman numerals in the copy of the Almagest; ‘pourrait être des débuts du XIIIe, sinon de la seconde moitié du XIIe siècle’ acc. Lemay, 464; ‘sec. XIII metà’ acc. De Robertis; first falf of the 13th c. acc. Stefan Georges, private communication).


Italy (central Italy acc. Manfredi).


Coluccio Salutati (1331-1406), cf. f. 88v: ‘Liber Colucii’ and f. 94v: ‘Liber Colucii Pyeri de Salutatis’); Niccolò Niccoli (1364-1437); Pope Nicholas V (1447-1455).

Parchment, I+94+IIa f., a single neat hand (f. 1-94), with additions by at least two later hands (f. Ir and  f. Iav-IIav).

Ptolemaica (single text), except for added astronomical notes and diagrams, including ‘Saturnus quoque moratur in unoquoque signo mense (!) XXX mensibus et complet zodiacum suum in XXX annis et ingressus est Piscem mense Octubris anno domini MºCCLVIII. Iupiter…’ (Ir) and ‘In anno Christi 1290 adde super loca stellarum fixarum… 16 gradus…’ (IIav). Blank: Iar.

Bibl. Inventarium librorum Latinorum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Vaticanae (handwritten catalogue), III, 293; C. H. Haskins, D. P. Lockwood, ‘The Sicilian Translators of the Twelfth Century and the First Latin Version of Ptolemy’s Almagest’, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 21 (1910), 75-102: 78-79; J. L. Heiberg, ‘Noch einmal die mittelalterliche Ptolemaios-Übersetzung’, Hermes 46 (1911), 207-216: 207-208; B. Nogara, Codices Vaticani Latini. Codices 1401-2059, Roma, 1912, 433-434; C. H. Haskins, Studies in the History of Mediaeval Science, Cambridge, 1927 (2nd ed.), 157-158; R. Lemay, ‘De la scolastique à l’histoire par le truchement de la philologie: Itinéraire d’un médiéviste entre Europe et Islam’, in La diffusione delle scienze islamiche nel Medio Evo europeo. Convegno internazionale, ed. B. Scarcia Amoretti, Roma, 1987, 399-535: 464-468; A. Manfredi, I codici Latini di Niccolò V. Edizione degli inventari e identificazione dei manoscritti, Vaticano, 1994, 389 (no. 619); T. De Robertis, ‘Il Tolomeo di Salutati restaurato da Niccoli’, in Coluccio Salutati e l'invenzione dell'Umanesimo, eds T. De Robertis, G. Tanturli, S. Zamponi, Firenze, 2008, 272-274.


‘Tholomei [upper margin]. Iam pingendi Gratias antiqui feruntur habuisse consuetudinem, ut unam quidem vultum aversam, due quibus illa manum porrigeret aspectarent. Cuius misterii non ignarus dudum… (1v) Proemium. De ordine theorematum. Quoniam sperice celum fertur… [chapter index]. Proemium auctoris. Valde bene qui proprie philosophati sunt, o Sire, videntur michi sequestrasse theoreticum philosophie a practico — et que ad commoditatem solam contemplationis sed non ad ostentationem commemoratio suggerebat, proprium utique nobis hic et commensurabilem recipiat finem presens negotium.’

= Ptolemy, Almagesti (tr. Sicily c. 1150) (A.1.1)

. Translator’s preface, 1r-1v; I, 1v-9r; II, 9r-26r; III, 26r-33r; IV, 33r-41r; V, 41r-47v; VI, 47v-55v; VII, 55v-61v; VIII, 61v-66v; IX, 66v-72v; X, 72v-76v; XI, 76v-83v; XII, 83v-88v; XIII, 88v-94v. A few glosses by a later hand.